Air Quality in Africa and Middle East

Posted on April 8th 2015
(re-edited on January 12th 2020)

Flag of the African Union

When talking about Air Quality, the first countries that comes to people's mind are China and India, and more generally Asia. Even on the World Air Quality Index project, Asia has always been, since the begining, our strong focus (most likely because this is where our HQ is located!).

Few years ago, in 2012, we decided to extend our scope to cover the other seven continents, starting with Oceania, and then following with Europe and North America, South America.

But one of seven continents, namely Africa, has been surprisingly lacking behind. We received many inquiries about this lack of data, and one of the last was from Said E. who wrote:

Thanks for making the World Air Quality Index project site. It gives very useful information.
My only concern is why Africa is not considered.
For information I am a moroccan citizen.

There is actually a good reason for worrying about Air Quality in Northen Africa and Middle East, because of the Saharan dust. This amount of dust is so massive that it is even able to cross continents, and move towards south America but also Europe.


We have been doing a lot of research on the available Air Quality monitoring in Africa (and Middle East), and the outcome is that only two countries in Africa are providing real-time data in Africa: Those two countries are Senegal and South Africa.

Fortunately, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been doing a very good work at making the updated 2014 inventory of the Outdoor Air Quality, available from

From their inventory, it appears that except from the Republics of Senegal and South Africa which we already inventoried on the World Air Quality Index project, 4 other countries are also providing readings, namely: Ghana, Liberia, Tanzania and Mauritius.

Surprisingly, there is no mention of Morocco for which we found evidences of existing monitoring stations. The other surprise is for Kenya, which is the country where United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) HQ is located. One would expect that the UNEP takes the initative to setup a monitoring station on the rooftop of their building, just like the US consultates are now doing all over the world.

Not all of the countries mentioned in the WHO report is providing continuous readings: for some of them, the monitoring is a temporary project and the data is only available for a limited period of time. Anyways, as soon as we get hold of the data from the 4 new countries, we will be updating the World Air Quality Index project website. Meanwhile, one can get an idea of the current Air Quality condition with the map below, which is based on the real-time daily average remote satellite readings .

Africa map with PM2.5 AQI overlay, forecasted on - Markers in blue are for Africa, and in violet for Middle East.
GhanaAccra - 4 residential and 1 roadside station in Accra
LiberiaBuchanan (rural) - 1 station: rural, 500m away from community, Osris Sanniquellie (rural) - 1 station: rural, within the community, Osiris monitors
MauritiusBeau Bassin/Rose Hill, Coromandel - 1 station: in town of Beau Bassin/Rose Hill Bramsthan, Flacq - 1 station: in Placq (rural) Midlands - 1 station: rural Port Louis - 1 station: urban St Louis city
SenegalDakar - 3 stations in capital city: 2 traffic, 1 urban for PM10; 1 station traffic for PM2.5
South AfricaCape Town (urban, total) - 7 stations: 6 urban (incl regional urban), 1 industrial Durban - 5 stations: urban, mostly residential Highveld Priority Area Network - 5 stations: residential Johannesburg - 6 stations: 2 no info, 3 background, 1 urbna/commercial/industrial Tshwane (Pretoria) (total, urban) - 6 stations: 3 no info, 3 residential/industrial Vaal Priority Area - 5 stations: urban, mostly residential Waterberg - 3 stations: residential
Unit. Rep. of TanzaniaMorogoro - 1 station, 2 measurement (during dry and wet season)


For the readers interested in the Middle East, the WHO is inventorying quite a few countries with monitoring data available. The one already inventoried on the World Air Quality Index project are United Arab Emirates, Iran, Qatar and Lebanon.

Please note that at the time of writing, the Air Quality monitoring System for Abu Dhabi / UAE is not working, and has been in maintenance for several months (since Summer 2014). The monitoring System for Dubai is however working.

AfghanistanKabul - ISAF HQ - 1 station: urban Mazar-e Sharif - Camp Northern Lights - 1 station: urban outskirts
EgyptCairo - 48 stations (8 industrial, 9 urban, 5 residential, 10 traffic, 4 remote, 12 mixed) Delta cities - 13 stations (4 industrial, 4 urban, 2 residential, 1 remote, 2 mixed)
IranAhvaz - 1 station (residential) Khoramabad - 8 stations, covering the metropolis area Tehran - 7 stations with valid data: no information given about sites
JordanAmman - 4 stations: 2 high and 2 low pollution areas
LebanonBeirut - 3 stations in 1 city Tripoli - 01/2008-06/2008 (6 months)
PakistanKarachi - 3 stations in various location: 1 unknown, 1 industrial/residential, 1 commercial/residential Lahore - Johar Town - 1 station: residential Peshwar - 1 station: N/A Rawalpindi - 1 station: residential
BahrainHamad Town - 1 Residential urban station Hidd - 1 Residential urban station Ma'ameer - 1 Residential Industrial station (Mixed) Nabih Saleh - 1 Urban background station Ras Hayan - 1 Rural background station
OmanMuscat - 4 stations in 1 city: 1 commercial, 2 industrial, 1 unknown
QatarAl Wakrah - Mobile Station Doha - 3 stations
Saudi ArabiaJeddah - 7 stations: 3 residential, 3 urban and 1 suburban
United Arab EmiratesAbu Dhabi - 2 stations: 2 urban/residential Al Ain - Urban/ Residential -Al Ain School - 1 station: urban/residential Al Gharbia - Biya Zayed - 1 station: no information given


Extract of the World Health Organization Ambient (outdoor) air pollution in cities database

AfrAfrDGhanaAccra9820084920084 residential and 1 roadside station in AccraNADionisio KL, Arku RE, Hughes AF, et al. Air pollution in Accra neighborhoods: spatial, socioeconomic, and temporal patterns. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010;44(7):2270-2276.  
AfrAfrDLiberiaBuchanan (rural)662009920091 station: rural, 500m away from community, Osris54%Nimba Western Area Iron Ore Concentrator Mining Project, Environmental and Social impact assessment, March 2014N/AN/A
AfrAfrDLiberiaSanniquellie (rural)5220091020091 station: rural, within the community, Osiris monitors60%Nimba Western Area Iron Ore Concentrator Mining Project, Environmental and Social impact assessment, March 2013N/AN/A
AfrAfrDMauritiusBeau Bassin/Rose Hill, Coromandel13120116631 station: in town of Beau Bassin/Rose Hill2 monthsEnvironment Statistics 2011, Government of MauritiusN/AN/A
AfrAfrDMauritiusBramsthan, Flacq3720101931 station: in Placq (rural)2 monthsEnvironment Statistics 2010, Government of MauritiusN/AN/A
AfrAfrDMauritiusMidlands2020111031 station: rural2 monthsEnvironment Statistics 2011, Government of MauritiusN/AN/A
AfrAfrDMauritiusPort Louis2220101131 station: urban St Louis city2 monthsEnvironment Statistics 2010, Government of MauritiusN/AN/A
AfrAfrDSenegalDakar17920124020123 stations in capital city: 2 traffic, 1 urban for PM10; 1 station traffic for PM2.5NARépublique du Sénégal, Ministère de l'Environnement, Suivi de la qualité de l'air à Dakar.
AfrAfrESouth AfricaCape Town (urban, total)3020111637 stations: 6 urban (incl regional urban), 1 industrial12 months2012 State of Air Report and National Air Quality Indicator Session 1.4 - SAAQIS, from the 7th Lekgota on Air Quality Governance
AfrAfrESouth AfricaDurban2620121435 stations: urban, mostly residential12 monthsSouth African Air Quality Information System, data received upon request (July 2013)
AfrAfrESouth AfricaHighveld Priority Area Network5120122420125 stations: residential12 monthsSouth African Air Quality Information System, data received upon request (July 2013)
AfrAfrESouth AfricaJohannesburg9820115136 stations: 2 no info, 3 background, 1 urbna/commercial/industrial12 months2012 State of Air Report and National Air Quality Indicator Session 1.4 - SAAQIS, from the 7th Lekgota on Air Quality Governance
AfrAfrESouth AfricaTshwane (Pretoria) (total, urban)5920123136 stations: 3 no info, 3 residential/industrial12 monthsSouth African Air Quality Information System, data received upon request (July 2013)
AfrAfrESouth AfricaVaal Priority Area 6220123220125 stations: urban, mostly residential12 monthsSouth African Air Quality Information System, data received upon request (July 2013)
AfrAfrESouth AfricaWaterberg4820121120123 stations: residential12 monthsSouth African Air Quality Information System, data received upon request (July 2013)
AfrAfrEUnit. Rep. of TanzaniaMorogoro3520112320111 station, 2 measurement (during dry and wet season)33 daysMkoma, Stelyus L., et al. "Characteristics of Low-Molecular Weight Carboxylic Acids in PM2. 5 and PM10 Ambient Aerosols From Tanzania." (2012).06°47'41S"37°37'44"E
EmrEmrDAfghanistanKabul - ISAF HQ26020098620091 station: urban14 daysMagnusson et al., Broad Exposure Screening of Air Pollutants in the Occupational Environment of Swedish Soldiers Deployed in Afghanistan; MILITARY MEDICINE, 177, 3:318, 2012
EmrEmrDAfghanistanMazar-e Sharif - Camp Northern Lights 33420096820091 station: urban outskirts14 daysMagnusson et al., Broad Exposure Screening of Air Pollutants in the Occupational Environment of Swedish Soldiers Deployed in Afghanistan; MILITARY MEDICINE, 177, 3:318, 2012
EmrEmrDEgyptCairo135201173348 stations (8 industrial, 9 urban, 5 residential, 10 traffic, 4 remote, 12 mixed) State of the Environment Report 2011 in Arabic
EmrEmrDEgyptDelta cities140201176313 stations (4 industrial, 4 urban, 2 residential, 1 remote, 2 mixed) State of the Environment Report 2011 in Arabic
EmrEmrBIranAhvaz32020107020101 station (residential)6 months"Shahsavani et al., The evaluation of PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 concentrations during the Middle Eastern
EmrEmrBIranKhoramabad121201010220108 stations, covering the metropolis area11 months"Mirhosseini et al., Analysis of Particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5)
EmrEmrBIranTehran9120103037 stations with valid data: no information given about sites12 months"Naddafi et al., Health impact assessment of air pollution in
EmrEmrBJordanAmman12820104834 stations: 2 high and 2 low pollution areas54 days"Alnawaiseh et al., Relationship Between Vehicle
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O měření kvality ovzduší a znečištění:

O úrovních kvality ovzduší

-Hodnoty indexu kvality ovzduší (AQI).Úrovně obav o zdraví
0 - 50DobrýKvalita ovzduší je považována za uspokojivou a znečištění ovzduší představuje malé nebo žádné riziko
51 -100MírnýKvalita ovzduší je přijatelná; u některých znečišťujících látek však může existovat mírný zdravotní problém u velmi malého počtu lidí, kteří jsou neobvykle citliví na znečištění ovzduší.
101-150Nezdravé pro citlivé skupinyČlenové citlivých skupin mohou mít účinky na zdraví. Obecná veřejnost pravděpodobně nebude zasažena.
151-200NezdravýKaždý může začít projevovat účinky na zdraví. členové citlivých skupin mohou mít vážnější účinky na zdraví
201-300Velmi NezdravéZdravotní varování při havarijních podmínkách. Celá populace je pravděpodobněji postižena.
300+NebezpečnýZdravotní upozornění: každý může mít vážnější zdravotní účinky

Chcete-li se dozvědět více o kvalitě ovzduší a znečištění, podívejte se na téma Kvalita ovzduší na wikipedii nebo na airnow průvodce Kvalita ovzduší a vaše zdraví .

Velmi užitečné zdravotní rady pekingského lékaře Richarda Saint Cyr MD najdete na blogu .

Upozornění na použití: Veškeré údaje o kvalitě ovzduší jsou v době zveřejnění neplatné a vzhledem k zajištění kvality mohou být tyto údaje kdykoli změněny bez upozornění. Projekt Světový index kvality ovzduší vynaložil veškeré přiměřené schopnosti a péči při sestavování obsahu těchto informací a za žádných okolností Projektový tým Světového indexu kvality ovzduší nebo jeho zástupci nesou odpovědnost za smluvní, delikt nebo jinou odpovědnost za jakoukoliv ztrátu, zranění nebo škodu vzniklou přímo nebo nepřímo z poskytování těchto údajů.


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