但七大洲之一的非洲卻出奇地落後。我們收到了許多關於數據缺乏的詢問,最後一個詢問來自 Said E.,他寫道:
幸運的是,世界衛生組織 (WHO) 在製定 2014 年更新的室外空氣品質清單方面做了非常出色的工作,可從who.int/phe/health_topics/outdoorair/en/取得。

Ghana | Accra - 4 residential and 1 roadside station in Accra | |
Liberia | Buchanan (rural) - 1 station: rural, 500m away from community, Osris Sanniquellie (rural) - 1 station: rural, within the community, Osiris monitors | |
Mauritius | Beau Bassin/Rose Hill, Coromandel - 1 station: in town of Beau Bassin/Rose Hill Bramsthan, Flacq - 1 station: in Placq (rural) Midlands - 1 station: rural Port Louis - 1 station: urban St Louis city | |
Senegal | Dakar - 3 stations in capital city: 2 traffic, 1 urban for PM10; 1 station traffic for PM2.5 | |
South Africa | Cape Town (urban, total) - 7 stations: 6 urban (incl regional urban), 1 industrial Durban - 5 stations: urban, mostly residential Highveld Priority Area Network - 5 stations: residential Johannesburg - 6 stations: 2 no info, 3 background, 1 urbna/commercial/industrial Tshwane (Pretoria) (total, urban) - 6 stations: 3 no info, 3 residential/industrial Vaal Priority Area - 5 stations: urban, mostly residential Waterberg - 3 stations: residential | |
Unit. Rep. of Tanzania | Morogoro - 1 station, 2 measurement (during dry and wet season) |
請注意,在撰寫本文時,阿布達比/阿聯酋的空氣品質監測系統尚未運行,並且已經維護了幾個月(自 2014 年夏季以來)。不過,杜拜的監控系統正在運作。
Afghanistan | Kabul - ISAF HQ - 1 station: urban Mazar-e Sharif - Camp Northern Lights - 1 station: urban outskirts | |
Egypt | Cairo - 48 stations (8 industrial, 9 urban, 5 residential, 10 traffic, 4 remote, 12 mixed) Delta cities - 13 stations (4 industrial, 4 urban, 2 residential, 1 remote, 2 mixed) | |
Iran | Ahvaz - 1 station (residential) Khoramabad - 8 stations, covering the metropolis area Tehran - 7 stations with valid data: no information given about sites | |
Jordan | Amman - 4 stations: 2 high and 2 low pollution areas | |
Lebanon | Beirut - 3 stations in 1 city Tripoli - 01/2008-06/2008 (6 months) | |
Pakistan | Karachi - 3 stations in various location: 1 unknown, 1 industrial/residential, 1 commercial/residential Lahore - Johar Town - 1 station: residential Peshwar - 1 station: N/A Rawalpindi - 1 station: residential | |
Bahrain | Hamad Town - 1 Residential urban station Hidd - 1 Residential urban station Ma'ameer - 1 Residential Industrial station (Mixed) Nabih Saleh - 1 Urban background station Ras Hayan - 1 Rural background station | |
Oman | Muscat - 4 stations in 1 city: 1 commercial, 2 industrial, 1 unknown | |
Qatar | Al Wakrah - Mobile Station Doha - 3 stations | |
Saudi Arabia | Jeddah - 7 stations: 3 residential, 3 urban and 1 suburban | |
United Arab Emirates | Abu Dhabi - 2 stations: 2 urban/residential Al Ain - Urban/ Residential -Al Ain School - 1 station: urban/residential Al Gharbia - Biya Zayed - 1 station: no information given |