The Plantower PMS1003 Air Quality Sensor experiment
Real-time Air Quality readings from the PMS1003

For a complete list of all the Air Quality Sensors test on, check our sensor overview page.

The PMS 1003 Sensor

The PMS 1003 Sensor is a recent laser based Air Quality Sensor developped by plantower (chinese name: 攀藤 (pānténg)) and used inside a numerous number of air quality sensing devices.

It is also sometimes refered as HK 5001, or labelled under the "oneair" brand, but it is indeed developped and produced by plantower (a Shenzhen based company with office in Beijing).


This is the specification for the PMS1003. One should not consider all those values for granted as there is quite often a big difference between what is said to be possible and what is actually possible (and this is why we are setting up all our experiments).
  • Measuring range: 0.3 to 1.0, 1.0 ~ 2.5, 2.5 to 10 microns (um)
  • Range: 0 ~ 500 ug / m3
  • counting accuracy of 50% @ 0.3um, 98% @ ≥0.5 um said the quasi-volume : 0.1 liters (L)
  • Response time: ≤10 seconds (s)
  • DC supply voltage: 5.0 volts (V)
  • Maximum Operating Current: 120 milliamperes (mA)
  • Standby current: ≤200 microamps (uA)
  • Operating temperature range: -20 ~ + 50 degrees Celsius (℃)
  • Operating humidity range: 0 ~ 99% RH
  • MTBF: ≥ 5 years (Y)
  • Maximum size: 65 × 42 × 23 mm
Note that there are more recent sensors from plantower (PMSxxxx series) which we will be testing later.


The sensor comes with a metal casing which is used to prevent from electrostatic discharge (ESD). The inside is enginered like a small dylos monitor:
Image attribution:

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In terms of electronics, the PMS1003 is simple but yet very efficient. The main CPU is a Cypress CY8C4245, which a combined ARM Cortex-M0 running at 48Mhz with dedicated ADC, used to sample the output from the diode.

In terms of dust accumulation, the situation is actually not so bad since after 6 months running 24/7, the dust would only accumulated next to the air inlet, but not on the diode or laser.


Note: The sensor has been replaced with a new sensor on Nov. 6th 2015. We suspect that the old sensor, which was used 24/7 during 1 hour (in outdoor conditions) is not accurate anymore, either due to dust accumulation, or to decreased sensitivity of the diode to laser power. Once we have more information about this issue, we will provide our findings.

Current Dylos readings are:

Current PMS1003 readings:

Time series graphs

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Note that on the above graph, each of the graph is plotted using a loess smoothing since the output from the PMS 1003 is quite noisy. You can move your mouse over the graph labels to see the actual output vs. the averaged values.

PM2.5 Comparison with Dylos

Ooops... Sorry, something wrong happenned
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PM10 Comparison with Dylos

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try again

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For the list of all air quality sensors, check the Sensor Overview page

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指数 大気質指数の分類(米国) 健康影響 / カテゴリ 粒子状物質(PM10,PM2.5)
0 - 50 良い - Good 通常の活動が可能 なし
51 -100 並 - Moderate 特に敏感な者は、長時間又は激しい屋外活動の減少を検討 非常に敏感な人は、長時間または激しい活動を減らすよう検討する必要がある。
101-150 敏感なグループにとっては健康に良くない - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups 心臓・肺疾患患者、高齢者及び子供は、長時間又は激しい屋外活動を減少 心疾患や肺疾患を持つ人、高齢者、子供は、長時間または激しい活動を減らす必要がある。
151-200 健康に良くない - Unhealthy 上記の者は、長時間又は激しい屋外活動を中止
201-300 極めて健康に良くない - Very Unhealthy 上記の者は、すべての屋外活動を中止
300+ 危険 - Hazardous 上記の者は、屋内に留まり、体力消耗を避ける
(Reference: see wikipedia, and


北京在住の医師Richard Saint Cyr氏による大変役に立つ健康上のアドバイスは、 をご覧ください。

使用上の注意: すべての大気質データは公開時点では妥当性が担保されていないため、これらのデータは予告なしに修正することがあります。 世界大気質指数プロジェクトは、この情報の内容を編集に最善の注意を尽くしておりますが、いかなる状況においても World Air Quality Index プロジェクトチームまたはそのエージェントは、このデータの供給によって直接的または間接的に生じる損失や損害について責任を負いません。



Temperature unit: