Real-time Air Quality in the Balkan Peninsula

Posted on April 28th 2015
(re-edited on January 18th 2024)

The Balkan Peninsula, popularly referred to as the Balkans, is a geographical region of Southeast Europe. The region takes its name from the Balkan Mountains that stretch from the east of Serbia to the Black Sea at the east of Bulgaria.

Balkans with real-time Air Quality forecast overlay (more info)

Many of the countries in the Balkans are providing real-time Air Quality readings. The data for Turkey (Thrace), Romania and Croatia have already been available on the World Air Quality Index project for a long time. Today, we are able to roll-out the data for 3 new countries: Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia.

Countries with known data (and PM2.5)
Macedonia, FYR
Countries with known data (but only PM10)
Countries with known data (but not yet available)
Countries without known data
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Greece also has its own air quality monitoring network, but unfortunately the data is only made available on a daily basis (from, which prevents us from showing it on the map like other stations (since all stations on our map are providing real-time hourly readings).

As concerns the remaining countries, namely Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo, data is unfortunately not yet available. Here is the findings from our investigations.

  • Montenegro: The Center for ecotoxicological research (CETI) is responsible for Air Quality monitoring in Montenegro. The Norwegian governement has helped for the equipment purchase with a grant of 85K € in 2014 (see article), but, yet, no data is available from the CETI.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Federal Hydrometeorological Institute is providing Air Quality information, but unfortunately only on a daily basis (i.e. not in real-time).
  • Kosovo: There is a proof of an existing netork, but no data is available from the Institute of Hydrometeorology of Kosovo (IHMK). The Innovations Lab Kosovo is having an interesting Air Quality monitoring project too, but not data is available either. If interested, check their Kickstarter campaign.
  • Albania: There is no clear information about real-time data from either the SELEA project or Ministry of Environment.

Note: Since 2018, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo provide AQI data. Greece is also providing hourly data.

Fortunately, this will change, and the data will at some point be available for all the countries. If you have any information or update, feel free to share it by commenting in the discussion board below.

Click here to see all the FAQ entries
  • AQI Scale: What do the colors and numbers mean?
  • Using Statistical Distances for Real-time Sensor Networks Validation
  • Nitrogen Dioxyde (NO2) in our atmosphere
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