Android app. update: now with embedded map and wind forecast.

Posted on October 28th 2014
分享: aqicn.org/faq/2014-10-28/android-app-update-now-with-embedded-map-and-wind-forecast/hk/

世界空氣品質指數項目 Android 應用程式的最新版本 3.2 剛剛發布,並附帶了一些新的酷炫功能:

嵌入式地圖可讓您直接從應用程式導航世界空氣監測站,和溫度預報標籤可為您提供未來 3 天的預報。我們也一直致力於刷新視覺效果並更新設定以支援華氏溫度顯示等。

You can get the app from the google store, or directly download the signed apk from our website, in case you do not have access the Android app store.

Station map
Station map
(North China)
Station map
Station map
Wind and Temperature
Improved Settings

Pollutant graphs
and wind conditions
when AQI > 150
AQI Information for
the nearest stations
AQI Levels


Features Summary:


  • The application is now using tabs for better navigation. In order to switch between the tabs, you just need to swipe left and right.

Current Conditions:

  • Current Air Quality Index and weather condition, including temperature, wind speed and wind direction, as well as weather forecast for the day.
  • 24 hours graphs for all available pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, Ozone, but also Carbone Monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide) as well as meteorological data (temperature, humidity and wind) displayed in the main tab.
  • The AQI information for the surrounding stations displayed in the "nearest stations" tab.


  • Notifications, which will warn you whenever the AQI gets too high, can be enabled from the settings tab, (option "Notify AQI updates in the status bar").
  • You can also define the threshold for the notification. By default, it is set as 150, but sensitive person might want to set it as 100 or below.
  • Note that this feature is only available when launched from the widget mode, but not from the application mode (since in the app mode, there is no background reload). In order to install and launch as a widget, just go to the home screen / launcher, long press, then select add widget.

Automatic location finder:

  • With this new version, you can decide to enable the "Automatically select the nearest monitoring station" from the settings menu.
  • This feature will check, each time the AQI is updated (twice an hour), you current location to return the AQI related to the nearest station.
  • This feature is definitely useful for those people who travel a lot, but also, just even when commuting back and forth from home to office.


  • The "forecast tab" will give you the information about the wind and temperature forecast for the coming 3 days.
  • The forecast data is based on the GFS (Global Forecast System) - The wind information contains both wind direction as well as wind speed and wind gust (gust in the peak wind speed). For the temperature, it is based on the 2 meters GFS, and it is currently experimental.
  • Interpreting the wind forecast is very specific to the city you are leaving in. For instance, in Beijing, strong north wind will for sure clean the Air, while winds from the south might bring the pollution from Hebei.

Embedded map:

  • From the "map tab" you will be able to navigate through the world air quality monitoring stations.
  • The best use for the map is in conjunction with the wind forecast: You just need to check the Air Quality in the area where the wind is blowing from to get a good indication on the AQI forecast.
  • Note that the map is using "tile caching" solution, so data does not have to be downloaded each time you check the map, thus reducing data usage.


  • Last, but not the least, you can now share a piclet of the current AQI to your friends in just one click.
  • All you need is to click on the Share icon (), and you will be able to send similar piclets from your phone:


You can download the latest application from the google store. In case your can not access the Android app store, you can also directly download the signed apk file from our webite.

If you any question or feedback, you can directly post on the disqus board at the bottom of this article.


您知道您所在地區有空氣品質監測站嗎? 為什麼不使用您自己的空氣品質站參與地圖呢?
> aqicn.org/gaia/ <



本網站採用的污染指數和顏色與EPA是完全相同的。 EPA的指數可以從 AirNow上查到

0 - 50一级(优)空气质量令人满意,基本无空气污染各类人群可正常活动
51 -100二级(良)空气质量可接受,但某些污染物可能对极少数异常敏感人群健康有较弱影响极少数异常敏感人群应减少户外活动

如果你想了解更多有關空氣質量與污染,詳見維基百科或者 AirNow

有關健康建議詳​​見北京的Richard Saint Cyr MD醫生的博客:www.myhealthbeijing.com

注意事項: 所有空氣品質數據在發佈時均未經驗證,且為了確保資料準確性,這些數據可能隨時被修改,恕不另行通知。 世界空氣品質指數專案在編制這些訊息內容時已經謹慎的運用了所有適當的技巧,在任何情況下世界空氣品質指數 在任何情況下,世界空氣品質指數專案團隊或其代理人均不對因提供此數據而直接或間接引起的任何損失、傷害或損害來承擔契約、侵權或其他責任。



Temperature unit: