Data Upload API & Samples scripts

The first step is to get a token from data-platform page.

Once you have your own token, you can use the following script to upload your data. After you upload your first station data, go to to configure your stations and verify the uploaded data.

Supported Software Platforms:

We provide the ready to use software for those 3 platforms:

  • Arduino: If you have an Arduino CPU, use the ready-to-use software available on at aqicn/gaia-a08-arduino.
  • Python: Use the code-snippet below
  • Command line (CURL): Use the code-snippet below

If you do not have any monitoring station, and would like to get one, check our GAIA Air Quality monitoring stations.

If you prefer a DIY station, check the GAIA A08.


Sample code (python)

import requests  
# Sensor parameter   
sensorReadings = [   
	{'specie':'pm25', 'value': 393.3},  
	{'specie':'pm10', 'value': 109.3}  
# Station parameter   
station = { 
	'id':		"station-001",  
	'location':  { 
		'latitude': 28.7501,  
		'longitude': 77.1177 
# User parameter - get yours from 
userToken = "dummy-token-for-test-purpose-only" 
# Then Upload the data  
params = {'station':station,'readings':sensorReadings,'token':userToken}  
request = url = "",  json = params) 
data = request.json()  
if data["status"]!="ok": 
	print("Something went wrong: %s" % data) 
	print("Data successfully posted: %s"%data) 

Sample code (curl)

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{\ 
"token": "dummy-token-for-test-purpose-only",\ 
"station": { "id": "station-001" },\ 
"readings": [{"specie":"pm2.5", "value": 393.3}]\ 

Sample code (arduino)

Check for the full code.
#include <WiFi.h> 
#include <HTTPClient.h> 
#include <ArduinoJson.h> 
#define LATITUDE 28.7501 
#define LONGITUDE 77.1177 
void upload(float pm25_concentration, float pm10_concentration, const char * token) 
    static char stationID[32]; 
    uint64_t efuseMac = ESP.getEfuseMac(); 
    uint16_t chip = (uint16_t)(efuseMac >> 32); 
    snprintf(stationID, 32, "station-%x", chip); 
    doc["token"] = token; 
    doc["station"]["id"] = stationID; 
    doc["station"]["location"]["latitude"] = LATITUDE; 
    doc["station"]["location"]["longitude"] = LONGITUDE; 
    doc["readings"][0]["specie"] = "pm25"; 
    doc["readings"][0]["value"] = pm25_concentration; 
    doc["readings"][0]["unit"] = "µg/m3"; 
    doc["readings"][1]["specie"] = "pm10"; 
    doc["readings"][1]["value"] = pm10_concentration; 
    doc["readings"][1]["unit"] = "µg/m3"; 
    static char json_body[1024]; 
    serializeJson(doc, json_body); 
    HTTPClient http; 
    http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); 
    int httpResponseCode = http.POST(json_body); 
    if (httpResponseCode > 0) 
        String response = http.getString(); 
        Serial.print("Error on sending POST: "); 

API Options

Parameter Type Optional/Mandatory Explanations
token string mandatory

Get your own token from

station string mandatory

Unique station ID - you can select any name with max 128 characters.
This name is only used internally for you. No one else will see this ID string optional

Name of the station - could be for instance the name of your building, the name of a street, the name of a university departement, the code of your personal weather station.
This name will be used as the suffix for your station URL.

station.latitude float optional

Longitude of your station

station.longitude float optional

Longitude of your station

organization string optional

If you have a website with more information about your station/sensor, we will add this link on our map when used see your station string optional

If you specify a website, this "organization name" will be associated to the website.

readings[*].specie string mandatory

Name of the pollutant your are reporting. For gas sensors, use: "pm2.5", "pm10", "pm1.0", ... For gaz sensor, use: "co2", "no2", "o3", ... For weather sensor, use: "temp", "humidity", "pressure", "wind speed", "wind gust", "wind direction", ..
You can actually use any specie name you want. When you station is validated, the names will be normalized in our system.

readings[*].value float mandatory

If your sensor is producing values every second, and you only upload every minute, this value should be the average of all the values read during the past minute.

readings[*].unit string optional

Unit of the value. Eg "mg/m3" for dust sensor, ppb for gas sensors, C for temp sensor..

readings[*].time string optional

Date and Time of the reading in ISO 8601 format

readings[*].min float optional

If the reading values are based on the averaging of several values, then this correspond to the min value of all values used for the averaging.

readings[*].max float optional

If the reading values are based on the averaging of several values, then this correspond to the max value of all values used for the averaging.

readings[*].median float optional

If the reading values are based on the averaging of several values, then this correspond to the median value of all values used for the averaging.

readings[*].stddev float optional

If the reading values are based on the averaging of several values, then this correspond to the standard deviation of all values used for the averaging.

readings[*].averaging float optional

If the above values are based on the averaging of several values, then this correspond to the duration, in seconds, of the averaging period.
For instance, use 60 for a minute average data and 3600 for hourly average.

Example 1

	"token": "......", 
	"station": { 
		"id": "station-001", 
		"name": "HCPA Santa Cecília", 
		"latitude": 103.37893, 
		"longitude": 43.17108, 
	"org": { 
		"name":"Porto Ar Alegre", 
	"readings": [ 
		{"time":"2024-10-18T12:08:30+09:00","specie":"pm2.5", "value": 393.3, "unit":"mg/m3", "min":390.3, "max": 402.3, "stddev": 0.332},  
		{"time":"2024-10-18T12:08:30+09:00","specie":"pm10", "value": 109.3, "unit":"mg/m3"}, 
		{"time":"2024-10-18T12:08:30+09:00","specie":"co2", "value": 459.3, "unit":"ppb"}, 
		{"time":"2024-10-18T12:08:30+09:00","specie":"temp", "value": 26.8, "unit":"C"}, 

Example 2

	"token": "......", 
	"station": { 
		"id": "station-001", 
	"readings": [ 
		{"specie":"pm2.5", "value": 393.3} 

Complete Code example

You can use this code for continuously reading from an SDS sensor, and uploading every minute: (script also available from

import requests 
import random 
import time 
import math 
import json 
import sys 
from serial import Serial 
LOCATION = {'latitude': 28.7501, 'longitude': 77.1177} 
TOKEN    = "dummy-token-for-test-purpose-only" 
SENSORID = "station-001" 
USBPORT  = "/dev/ttyUSB0" 
class SensorDataUploader: 
    def __init__(self, station, token): 
        self.token = token 
        self.station = station 
    def send(self,readings): 
        params = {'station':self.station,'readings':readings,'token':self.token}  
        print("Uploading: %s"%json.dumps(params, indent=4)) 
        request = url = "",  json = params) 
        data = request.json()  
        if data["status"]!="ok": 
            print("Something went wrong: %s" % data) 
            print("Data successfully posted: %s"%data) 
class Accumulator: 
    def __init__(self, name): = name 
        self.values = [] 
    def add(self,val): 
    def count(self): 
        return len(self.values) 
    def reset(self): 
    def min(self): 
        return self.values[0] 
    def max(self): 
        return self.values[len(self.values)-1] 
    def median(self): 
        return self.values[len(self.values)/2] 
    def mean(self): 
        return float(sum(self.values)) / len(self.values) 
    def stddev(self): 
        l = len(self.values) 
        mean = self.mean() 
        return math.sqrt(float(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda x: (x - mean) ** 2, self.values))) / l) 
    def summary(self): 
        return {"specie",'value':self.mean(),'min':self.min(),'max':self.max(),'median':self.median(), 'stddev':self.stddev()}  
class DummyReader: 
    def read( self ): 
        return {"pm2.5":random.random()*10,"pm10":random.random()*10} 
class SDS011Reader: 
    def __init__(self, inport): 
        self.serial = Serial(port=inport,baudrate=9600) 
        self.values = [] 
        self.step = 0 
    def read( self ): 
        # time.sleep(1) 
        # return {"pm2.5":random.random()*100,"pm10":random.random()*100} 
        while self.serial.inWaiting()!=0: 
            if self.step ==0: 
                if v==170: 
            elif self.step==1: 
                if v==192: 
                    self.values = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0] 
            elif self.step>8: 
                self.step =0 
                pm25 = (self.values[0]+self.values[1]*256)/10 
                pm10 = (self.values[2]+self.values[3]*256)/10 
                return {"pm2.5":pm25,"pm10":pm10} 
            elif self.step>=2: 
                self.step= self.step+1 
        return None 
def readAndUpload(sensor, uploader): 
        while True: 
            accumulators = {} 
            startTime = time.time() 
            while time.time() < startTime+60: 
                values = 
                if values==None: 
                print("Reading [%2d]: %s"%(int(time.time()-startTime),values)) 
                for specie, value in values.items(): 
                    if not (specie in accumulators): 
            readings = [] 
            for specie, accumulator in accumulators.items(): 
            if len(readings)>0: 
                print("No value read from the sensor...") 
    except KeyboardInterrupt: 
        print "Bye" 
print("Starting reading sensor "+SENSORID+" on port "+USBPORT) 
# Station parameter   
station = {'id':SENSORID, 'location':LOCATION} 
uploader = SensorDataUploader(station, TOKEN) 
sensor = SDS011Reader(USBPORT) 
# sensor = DummyReader() 

Know any Air Quality station in your surroundings?
Participate with your own air quality monitoring station

Our GAIA air quality monitors are very easy to set up: You only need a WIFI access point and a USB compatible power supply.

Once connected, your real time air pollution levels are instantaneously available on the maps and through the API.

The station comes with a 10-meter water-proof power cable, a USB power supply, mounting equipment and an optional solar panel.

वायु गुणवत्ता और प्रदूषण मापन के बारे में:

वायु गुणवत्ता स्तर के बारे में

- वायु गुणवत्ता सूचकांक (एक्यूआई) मानस्वास्थ्य संबंधी चिंता का स्तर
0 - 50 अच्छा वायु गुणवत्ता को संतोषजनक माना जाता है, और वायु प्रदूषण कम या कोई जोखिम नहीं बनता है
51 -100 मध्यम वायु गुणवत्ता स्वीकार्य है; हालांकि, कुछ प्रदूषकों के लिए बहुत कम संख्या में लोगों के लिए एक मामूली स्वास्थ्य चिंता हो सकती है जो वायु प्रदूषण के लिए असामान्य रूप से संवेदनशील हैं।
101-150 अस्वास्थ्यकर संवेदनशील समूहों के लिए संवेदनशील समूहों के सदस्यों को स्वास्थ्य प्रभाव का अनुभव हो सकता है। आम जनता को प्रभावित होने की संभावना नहीं है।
151-200 अस्वस्थ हर किसी को स्वास्थ्य प्रभाव का अनुभव करना शुरू हो सकता है; संवेदनशील समूहों के सदस्यों को अधिक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य प्रभाव का अनुभव हो सकता है
201-300 बहुत अस्वस्थ आपातकालीन स्थितियों की स्वास्थ्य चेतावनियां। पूरी आबादी प्रभावित होने की अधिक संभावना है।
300+ खतरनाक स्वास्थ्य चेतावनी: हर किसी को अधिक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य प्रभाव का अनुभव हो सकता है

वायु गुणवत्ता और प्रदूषण के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए, विकिपीडिया वायु गुणवत्ता विषय या वायु गुणवत्ता और आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए एयरनाउ गाइड देखें।

बीजिंग डॉक्टर रिचर्ड सेंट साइर एमडी की बहुत उपयोगी स्वास्थ्य सलाह के लिए, ब्लॉग देखें।

उपयोग नोटिस: सभी वायु गुणवत्ता डेटा प्रकाशन के समय अनियमित हैं, और गुणवत्ता आश्वासन के कारण इन आंकड़ों को बिना किसी सूचना के संशोधित किया जा सकता है। विश्व वायु गुणवत्ता सूचकांक प्रोजेक्ट ने इस जानकारी की सामग्री को संकलित करने में सभी उचित कौशल और देखभाल का उपयोग किया है और किसी भी परिस्थिति में विश्व वायु गुणवत्ता सूचकांक परियोजना दल या उसके एजेंट इस डेटा की आपूर्ति से सीधे या परोक्ष रूप से उत्पन्न होने वाली किसी भी हानि, चोट या क्षति के लिए अनुबंध, टोर्ट या अन्यथा उत्तरदायी होंगे।


Language Settings:

Temperature unit: