Publishing Air Quality Data
on the / map


MetOne BAM 1020 station

Publishing data on the World Air Quality Index maps ( and is free and simple.

Both professional and DIY air quality monitoring stations are accepted.

However DIY stations, such as "luftdaten", go through an additional data quality control, to ensure high quality data.

Once your data is validated, you will get a dedicated page for your station where you can see the real-time data, the Air Quality and weather forecast, as well as the historical data - all for free.

If you do not have any monitoring station, and would like to get one, check our GAIA Air Quality monitoring stations. If you prefer a DIY station, check the GAIA A08.


Uploading the data

There are three cases in order to upload your data into the map:

    Either you have a known Air Quality monitoring station (IQAir, Oizom, Luftdaten, PurpleAir, U-Rad, LUN, ...), or a known Weather Station with an air quality sensor module (Weather Link, Eco-Witt, c...). In which case, you only need to tell us your station details, such as the ID/Name. We already have adapters for those stations.

    Either you already have a website (or a feed such as thing-speak) from which we can collect the data from your stations. In this case our system will periodically load your page, extract the data and then republish it on our map. Check the feed examples for website examples.

    Either you do not have a website, but you have a station, and you would like to "push" the data directly to our system. In this case, you will need to write a small program to "post" your station data via our upload API. We have code example for Arduino and Python. The code samples are available from the upload API page.

If you fall in the two first categories (have a known station or a website), or if you have any doubts, send us a message using the form below. If you fall in the second category, and want to programmatically post the data via our upload API, check our data upload scripts and API page.

Contact form

Your name - eg "John Doe"

Your email address - eg ""

Your data-feed URL - eg ""
or station Id - eg ""

Tell us what kind of help you need or can provide.

Data Validation

If you own a luftdaten or similar low cost sensor, you can check the air quality data validation service:

For example, for the "luftdaten" sensor 84804, you can check the page

The data validation and qualification is also done automatically once a day.

Know any Air Quality station in your surroundings?
Participate with your own air quality monitoring station

Our GAIA air quality monitors are very easy to set up: You only need a WIFI access point and a USB compatible power supply.

Once connected, your real time air pollution levels are instantaneously available on the maps and through the API.

The station comes with a 10-meter water-proof power cable, a USB power supply, mounting equipment and an optional solar panel.

Tentang Pengukuran Kualitas dan Polusi Udara:

Tentang Tingkat Kualitas Udara

- Nilai Indeks Kualitas Udara (AQI).Tingkat Kekhawatiran Kesehatan
0 - 50 Baik Kualitas udara dianggap memuaskan, dan polusi udara menimbulkan sedikit atau tanpa risiko
51 -100 Moderat Kualitas udara dapat diterima; Namun, untuk beberapa polutan mungkin ada kekhawatiran kesehatan yang moderat untuk sejumlah kecil orang yang sangat sensitif terhadap polusi udara.
101-150 Tidak Sehat untuk kelompok orang yang sensitif Anggota kelompok sensitif dapat mengalami efek kesehatan. Masyarakat umum tidak mungkin terpengaruh.
151-200 Tidak sehat Setiap orang mungkin mulai mengalami efek kesehatan; anggota kelompok sensitif dapat mengalami efek kesehatan yang lebih serius
201-300 Sangat Tidak Sehat Peringatan kesehatan untuk kondisi darurat. Seluruh penduduk lebih mungkin terpengaruh.
300+ Berbahaya Peringatan kesehatan: semua orang mungkin mengalami efek kesehatan yang lebih serius

Untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang Kualitas dan Polusi Udara, lihat topik Kualitas Udara di wikipedia atau panduan airnow tentang Kualitas Udara dan Kesehatan Anda .

Untuk nasihat kesehatan yang sangat berguna dari Dokter Beijing Richard Saint Cyr MD, periksa blog .

Pemberitahuan Penggunaan: Semua data Kualitas Udara tidak divalidasi pada saat publikasi, dan demi jaminan kualitas maka data ini dapat diubah, tanpa pemberitahuan, kapan saja. Proyek Indeks Kualitas Udara Dunia telah menerapkan semua kemampuan dan kepedulian yang cukup dalam mengumpulkan isi informasi ini dan dalam keadaan apa pun World Air Quality Index tim proyek atau agennya bertanggung jawab dalam kontrak, gugatan atau jika ada kerugian, cedera atau kerusakan yang timbul secara langsung atau tidak langsung dari pasokan data ini.


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