The Plantower PMS3003 Air Quality Sensor experiment
Real-time Air Quality readings from the PMS3003

For a complete list of all the Air Quality Sensors test on the World Air Quality Index project, check our sensor overview page.

The PMS 3003 Sensor

The PMS 3003 Sensor is the third generation evolution of the PMS1003 developped by plantower (chinese name: 攀藤 (pānténg).


This is the specification for the PMS3003. One should not consider all those values for granted as there is quite often a big difference between what is said to be possible and what is actually possible (and this is why we are setting up all our experiments).
  • Parameters :Index  (Unit )
  • Measuring range :0.3 to 1.0 ; 1.0 to 2.5 ; 2.5 to 10  (mm)
  • Counting efficiency :50%@0.3um 98% @> = 0.5 um 
  • Response time :≤ 10  sec
  • DC supply voltage :5 V
  • Operating current :120  mA
  • Standby Current :≤ 200  µA
  • Data interface level :L <0.8 @ 3.3 H> 2.7@3.3  V
  • Operating temperature range :-20 ~ + 50  °C
  • Operating humidity range :0 to 99% 
  • MTBF :≥ 3  Year
  • Size :65 × 42 × 23  mm

Inside look at the sensor

Compared to the PMS1003, the PMS3003 is just a mechanical size reduction - the electronic is the same. In the former mechanisms, there used to be a mechanical air chamber, which is now removed a replaced by a simple hole over the diode. This is probably because their attempt to imitate Dylos' pressure drop patent proved to be inefficient in the first generation.
The electronic components are the same, at least for the main CPU, a Cypress CY8C4245. That's a bit disapointing since a higher frequency CPU/ADC could help for the advanced processing so much needed for better understand the air quality. Hopefully this is something we will find in the 7th generation sensor, which is comming quite soon. Stay tunned!
Playing arround with this sensor is quite simple as it exports a serial interface. The pin-out in the following:
  • PIN1  :VCC :Power Supply (5V).
  • PIN2  :GND :Ground.
  • PIN3  :SET :Standby mode (when 0), operating mode (when 1)
  • PIN4  :RXD :Serial receive / TTL level @ 3.3V.
  • PIN5  :TXD :Serial transmit / TTL level @ 3.3V.
  • PIN6  :RESET :Module reset / TTL level @ 3.3V.
  • PIN7,8 :NC :Not connected.

Real-time data

There are two co-located PMS3003 sensors (both are outside). First PMS 3003 outdoor readings are:
  • PM1 count: -,
  • PM2.5 count: -,
  • PM10 count: -,
  • updated on - - (China time).
Second PMS 3003 outdoor readings are:
  • PM1 count: -,
  • PM2.5 count: -,
  • PM10 count: -,
  • updated on - - (China time).

Time series graphs

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For the list of all air quality sensors, check the Sensor Overview page

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O mjerenju kvalitete zraka i zagađenja:

O razinama kvalitete zraka

- Vrijednosti indeksa kvalitete zraka (AQI).Nivoi zdravstvene brige
0 - 50 Dobro Kvalitet vazduha se smatra zadovoljavajućim, a zagađenje vazduha predstavlja mali ili nikakav rizik
51 -100 Umereno Kvalitet zraka je prihvatljiv; Međutim, neki zagađivači mogu imati umjereno zabrinjavajući utjecaj na zdravstveno stanje malog broja ljudi koji su veoma osjetljivi na zagađenje zraka.
101-150 Nezdravo za osetljive grupe Može prouzrokovati zdravstvene poteškoće kod članova osjetljivih grupa. Većina verovatno neće biti pogođena.
151-200 Nezdravi Svako može početi osjećati posljedice na zdravlje; članovi osjetljivih grupa mogu imati ozbiljnije zdravstvene posljedice
201-300 Veoma nezdravim Upozorenja o hitnim slučajevima. Čitava populacija će biti pogođena.
300+ Opasno Zdravstveno upozorenje: svako može osjetiti ozbiljnije posljedice na zdravlje

Da biste saznali više o kvaliteti zraka i zagađenju, provjerite temu wikipedije o kvaliteti zraka ili airnow vodiču za kvalitet zraka i vaše zdravlje .

Za vrlo korisne zdravstvene savjete pekinškog doktora Richarda Saint Cyr MD, posjetite blog .

Upotreba: Svi podaci o kvalitetu vazduha su neverifikovani u vrijeme objavljivanja, a zbog osiguranja kvaliteta ovi podaci mogu biti izmjenjeni i dopunjeni u bilo kom trenutku. Projekat Svjetskog indeksa kvaliteta vazduha obratio je veliku pažnju prilikom sastavljanja ovih informacija i ni pod kakvim okolnostima neće biti Svjetski indeks kvaliteta vazduha projektni tim ili njegovi agenti odgovorni za ugovor, štetu ili bilo kakav gubitak, povredu ili štetu nastalu direktno ili indirektno iz snabdevanja ovim podacima.


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