GAIA A12 Air Quality Monitoring Station



GAIA A12 product view

Dimensions: 130 * 80 * 70 mm
(excluding antenna)
Weight: 380g

The GAIA A12 is a sensor-packed station:

  • Air Quality Particulate Matter Sensors: 3x PMS 5003
  • Meteorological Sensors: ASAIR AHT-20
  • RGB led for real-time visual Air Pollution indication.
  • Connectivity via WIFI, with an external antenna.
  • Optional SD-Card storage for off-network operation.

The GAIA A12 uses 3 redundant Air Quality sensors to ensure the best data quality: Its system continuously correlates the data from all sensors to automatically detect and correct any abnormal data.

The GAIA A12 station comes with the following accessories:

  • Power Cable: 10-meter (2x5m) waterproof cables.
  • Power Supply: USB 5V/1A power adapter.
  • Fixation straps and screws.


The GAIA A12 costs 200

Alternatively, the station can also be acquired for 100 if paid yearly, or 10 if paid monthly: We then send you a brand new station every 2 years for free (excluding shipment costs). Renewing the station is important to us to ensure the highest sensor quality of your station. Note that we ask for a 50 deposit for the rented station.


SensorsParticle Matter (PM) Sensor
PM2.5, PM10 and PM1.0
Redundant PM Sensors
Yes (x3)
Weather Sensor
Temperature and Humidity
Visual IndicatorsRGB LED
yes (2.4G)
External Antenna
yes, 3dB
Power SupplyPower Supply
yes, using standard USB 5V DC
Power cable
10 meters (33 feet) water proof cable
Data Storage & BroadcastPublication
yes, broadcasted on and
Historical Data
yes, accessible via website or API
SD-Card storage
optional, for extra 50
MaintenanceAnomaly Detection
Remote Maintenance
PricingProduct Cost
One-time payment: 200
Yearly payment: 100 + deposit: 50
Monthly payment: 10 + deposit: 50

GAIA A12 package content:

Ordering and Inquiry

Fill in the form below to get a quotation including the shipment cost.

Let us know if you have any additional requirements or questions

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Payment: It can be done using any regular credit card.
  • Discount: 10% discount when ordering 5 pieces, 20% when ordering 10 pieces or more.
  • DC Adapter: Products are shipped with localized power plug adaptors (USB power supply) for US, EU, AU and UK.

Installation & Mounting Instructions


Mounting with straps
Mounting with screws

There are 2 options for mounting the monitoring box:

  • Using screws: The GAIA enclosure is made of a standard outdoor ABS box, which comes with 4 holes dedicated to screwing the box.
  • Using standard plastic straps: The GAIA station is delivered with 2 straps of 1 meter, which can be used to fix the station on a pole.


  • The station comes with a 10-meter (33-foot) power cable (5V with DC3.5 connector), so the station should be located no more than 10 meters away from the nearest power source. If needed, we can provide a longer power cable (contact us in this case).
  • The monitoring station uses a regular external WIFI antenna, which allows the station to be at most 20 meters away from the nearest WiFi access point. In case a longer distance is needed, an enhanced external antenna can be used (contact us in this case).


Average daily traffic
(vehicles per day)
Minimum distance in meters
≤1,000 10
10,000 10
15,000 20
20,000 30
40,000 50
70,000 100
≥110,000 250

Overall, the most important is to place the station somewhere protected from direct winds, rain, and dust sources.

For official stations, there are two more requirements, with the intent to locate the station on sites representative of the ambient air quality levels:

  • Height: The station should be mounted at a height above a minimum of 1.5 meters. The objective is to prevent dust resuspension, which can happen if someone is walking near the station.
  • Distance from road traffic: The station should be located at least 10 meters away from the nearest road. See the table on the right for full specifications.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do the GAIA stations compare to the purple air stations?
  • Check the comparison page.
  • Can I see how the GAIA station is made?
  • Yes, check the internals page.
  • Can I access the station data?
  • We provide both API and CSV data download.
  • How is the WIFI setup done?
  • Check the setup page.
  • I need longer power cables:
  • Let us know at ordering time, we can provide cables up to 20 meters.
  • Can I use a PMS6003 instead of the PMS5003?
  • Yes, the upgrade costs 50 per station.
  • I do not want to share my exact location on the map:
  • No problem, you can decide which coordinates (latitude & longitude) are used for your station.
  • Can the station be operated offline, eg without WiFi:
  • Yes, check the GAIA A20, which supports up to 1 month offline data storage. It also comes with a solar panel and battery for off-grid usage.
  • Can the GAIA stations be integrated with Home Assistant:
  • Yes, we provide all the needed API for the integration.


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GAIA A12 Internal Design

Here are a few design internals insights for the GAIA A12 monitoring stations:

  • Mechanical Design

    Gaia's external mechanical enclosure is specially designed, with a vent cap, which protects the sensors from direct wind and rain. The enclosure is made of UV-proof ABS plastic.

    GAIA A12 external mechanical design
  • Maintainability

    The GAIA station is very easy to be maintained - specifically, changing the internal sensor can be done by anyone - you just need a standard screwdriver.

    GAIA A12 internal design:
  • Reliability

    Gaia uses 3 redundant dust sensors: The reason for using 3 redundant sensors is that, when one sensor fails, it is possible to know which one.
    For stations with only two sensors, when a sensor fails, it is not possible to know which sensor is reporting correct data vs incorrect data.

  • Life Cycle

    The GAIA station uses a 25% duty cycle for dust sensors (active 90 seconds every 6 minutes). This makes it possible to operate the GAIA station for several years without the need for maintenance.

  • Data Quality

    For each sample interval (1 minute), GAIA provides the minimum, maximum, standard deviation, average and median for for interval. All this information is needed to extract reliable information about the sensor data quality.

  • Cost Effective

    Gaia station costs $200, and for this price, you get a 2x5 meters waterproof power cable and a power supply.

  • GAIA A12 Items included for $200 USD:

    حول جودة الهواء وقياس التلوث:

    حول مستويات جودة الهواء

    - قيم مؤشر جودة الهواء (AQI).مستويات الاهتمام بالصحة
    0 - 50 جيد وتعتبر جودة الهواء مرضية ، كما أن تلوث الهواء لا يشكل خطراً يُذكر
    51 -100 معتدل جودة الهواء مقبولة. ومع ذلك ، فبالنسبة لبعض الملوثات قد يكون هناك قلق صحي معتدل لعدد قليل جداً من الأشخاص الذين لديهم حساسية غير عادية لتلوث الهواء.
    101-150 غير صحي للمجموعات الحساسة قد يواجه أعضاء المجموعات الحساسة آثارًا صحية. من غير المحتمل أن يتأثر عامة الناس.
    151-200 غير صحي قد يعاني معظم الناس من الآثار الجانبية التي تؤثر على الصحة؛ أما الأفراد الذين لديهم وضع صحي حساس فقد يعانون من مشاكل صحية خطيرة
    201-300 غير صحي للغاية تحذيرات صحية لظروف الطوارئ. من المرجح أن يتأثر جميع السكان.
    300+ خطير تنبيه صحي: قد يعاني الجميع من آثار صحية أكثر خطورة

    لمعرفة المزيد عن جودة الهواء والتلوث، راجع موضوع جودة الهواء في ويكيبيديا أو دليل airnow لجودة الهواء وصحتك .

    للحصول على نصائح صحية مفيدة للغاية من طبيب بكين ريتشارد سانت سير، قم بزيارة مدونة .

    إشعار الاستخدام: جميع بيانات جودة الهواء غير مضمونة في وقت النشر ، وبسبب ضمان الجودة ، يمكن تعديل هذه البيانات ، دون سابق إنذار ، في أي وقت. لقد مارس مشروع مؤشر جودة الهواء العالمي جميع المهارات والحلول المعقولة في تجميع محتويات هذه المعلومات ولن يكون تحت أي ظرف من الظروف فريق مشروع جودة الهواء العالمي أو وكلائه مسؤولين في العقد أو الضرر أو غير ذلك عن أي خسارة أو ضرر أو ضرر ناشئ بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر عن توريد هذه البيانات.


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