Dylos monitor: What is it actually measuring? PM2.5, PM10 or PM0.5?

Experiment published on Saturday, May 3rd, 2014

The Dylos air quality monitor comes in several version: Standard and Pro: Quoted from Dylos's website, it says that " the DC1100 Pro has all the features of the standard DC1100 but with increased lower sensitivity - detecting particles down to 0.5 micron (0.5µ). The large particle size range is calibrated to 2.5 microns (2.5µ) and above".

Interestingly, the most common sizes in the Air Quality industry is 2.5 µ (refered as PM2.5) and 10 µ (refered PM10). In this case, does it really make sense for the Dylos pro to measure particules as small as 0.5 µ? Shouldn't instead measure 2.5µ and 10µ particules? Actually, maybe this 0.5 µ? claim is more a marketing argument rather than a technology argumenet, since, from the empirical data, what it measures is closer to 2.5 µ and 10 µ rather than 0.5 µ and 2.5 µ! Here is the explanation why:


On Thursday, April 10th 2014, in the morning, the Air in Beijing was very special: It is one of those rare days where the PM10 was the dominant pollutant, reaching up to 601 µm/m3 at noon time, which is equivalant to an AQI of 497 (at 24 hours exposure). At the same time, the trend for PM2.5 was going downward, i.e improving from 130 to 70 µm/m3 (equivalant to an AQI down from 189 to 158).

Usually (empirally verified), the dominent pollutant is the PM2.5 particules, and not PM10. Therefore, that special day, in order to ensure that this higher PM10 readings were not caused by defective equipment, we checked the Dylos readings to confirm the trend. This is what you can see from those two graphs. The zone highligted in orange is Thursday 10th, from midnight to noon. The graph on the right is plotting both BAM (in blue) PM2.5 readings (in µg/m3) and Dylos (in red) ≥0.5µ particule count, while the one on the left is for the BAM PM10 and Dylos ≥2.5µ.

Comparative analysis of Beijing Chaoyang Agricultural Exhibition Hall (朝阳农展馆) BAM monitoring stations and Beijing Sanlitun Dylos monitoring station (more info about the setup.)

If the Dylos monitoring claim to detect particules down to 2.5 µ for the large particule readings, then it should be expected that this large particules reading follow the PM2.5 trend. But this is not the case. Clearly, from the graph, the Dylos readings for large particules are following the PM10 trend while readings for small particule are following the PM2.5 trend. That clearly indicates that what the Dylos monitoring is detecting is closer to 2.5 µ and 10 µ rather than what they claim to be 0.5 µ and 2.5 µ.
Multidimensional correlation graph (credits: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4063663.)

To further prove the point, the multidimensional correlation graph for all 4 readings is provided below. The color code used for the plot is orange for the Thursday morning readings, and blue for the other readings. The pairs "BAM PM10" and "Dylos >2.5" as well "BAM PM2.5" and "Dylos >0.5" is obviously showing a very good linear correlation, while the pair "BAM PM2.5" and "Dylos >2.5" is showing diversion, i.e. non linearity, especially for the given Thursday.


The conclusion for the above analysis is clear and straight forward: The claim from Dylos to detect particles down to 0.5 µ is more of a marketing argument than a technology fact. From the above data, there is no doubt that the Dylos monitor readings are closer to detect size of 2.5µ and 10µ rather than 0.5µ and 2.5µ. And, actually, this is even better like this, since those are the sizes that are used for Air Quality Standard!

The next important question is how to convert the Dylos readings into the AQI standard. This will be presented in our next experiment.


O kvaliteti zraka i mjerenju onečišćenja:

O razinama kvalitete zraka

-Vrijednosti indeksa kvalitete zraka (AQI).Razine zdravstvene zabrinutosti
0 - 50DobroKvaliteta zraka smatra se zadovoljavajućom, a onečišćenje zraka predstavlja mali ili nikakav rizik
51 -100umjerenKvaliteta zraka je prihvatljiva; ali ipak, neki zagađivači mogu prouzrokovati umjerenu zabrinutost za zdravlje vrlo malog broja ljudi koji su neobično osjetljivi na onečišćenje zraka.
101-150Nezdravo za osjetljive skupineČlanovi osjetljivih skupina mogu imati posljedice na zdravlje. Vjerovatno neće imati utjecaja na širu popilaciju.
151-200nezdravSvatko može početi osjećati zdravstvene posljedice; članovi osjetljivih skupina mogu imati ozbiljnije zdravstvene posljedice
201-300Vrlo nezdravoZdravstvena upozorenja o izvanrednim okolnostima. Veća je vjerojatnost da će cijela populacija biti pogođena.
300+OpasanUpozorenje o zdravlju: svatko može imati ozbiljnije zdravstvene posljedice

Kako biste saznali više o kvaliteti zraka i onečišćenju, pogledajte temu o kvaliteti zraka na wikipediji ili airnow vodič o kvaliteti zraka i vašem zdravlju .

Za vrlo korisne zdravstvene savjete pekinškog doktora Richarda Saint Cyra, MD, pogledajte blog www.myhealthbeijing.com .

Obavijest o korištenju: Svi podaci o kvaliteti zraka nisu dozvoljeni u trenutku objavljivanja, a zbog osiguranja kvalitete ti se podaci mogu u bilo kojem trenutku mijenjati bez prethodne najave. Projekt Indeks svjetske kakvoće zraka iskoristio je svu razumnu vještinu i pažnju pri sastavljanju sadržaja tih informacija i ni pod kojim okolnostima neće Svjetski indeks kvaliteta zraka projektni tim ili njegovi agenti odgovorni su za ugovor, prekršaj ili drugačije za bilo kakav gubitak, ozljedu ili štetu koja proizlazi izravno ili neizravno iz opskrbe tim podacima.


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