The first step is to get a token from data-platform page.
Once you have your own token, you can use the following script to upload your data. After you upload your first station data, go to to configure your stations and verify the uploaded data.
Supported Software Platforms:
We provide the ready to use software for those 3 platforms:
- Arduino: If you have an Arduino CPU, use the ready-to-use software available on at aqicn/gaia-a08-arduino.
- Python: Use the code-snippet below
- Command line (CURL): Use the code-snippet below
If you do not have any monitoring station, and would like to get one, check our GAIA Air Quality monitoring stations.
If you prefer a DIY station, check the GAIA A08.
Sample code (python)
import requests # Sensor parameter sensorReadings = [ {'specie':'pm25', 'value': 393.3}, {'specie':'pm10', 'value': 109.3} ] # Station parameter station = { 'id': "station-001", 'location': { 'latitude': 28.7501, 'longitude': 77.1177 } } # User parameter - get yours from userToken = "dummy-token-for-test-purpose-only" # Then Upload the data params = {'station':station,'readings':sensorReadings,'token':userToken} request = url = "", json = params) #print(request.text) data = request.json() if data["status"]!="ok": print("Something went wrong: %s" % data) else: print("Data successfully posted: %s"%data)
Sample code (curl)
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{\ "token": "dummy-token-for-test-purpose-only",\ "station": { "id": "station-001" },\ "readings": [{"specie":"pm2.5", "value": 393.3}]\ }'
Sample code (arduino)
#include <WiFi.h> #include <HTTPClient.h> #include <ArduinoJson.h> #define LATITUDE 28.7501 #define LONGITUDE 77.1177 void upload(float pm25_concentration, float pm10_concentration, const char * token) { static char stationID[32]; uint64_t efuseMac = ESP.getEfuseMac(); uint16_t chip = (uint16_t)(efuseMac >> 32); snprintf(stationID, 32, "station-%x", chip); doc["token"] = token; doc["station"]["id"] = stationID; doc["station"]["location"]["latitude"] = LATITUDE; doc["station"]["location"]["longitude"] = LONGITUDE; doc["readings"][0]["specie"] = "pm25"; doc["readings"][0]["value"] = pm25_concentration; doc["readings"][0]["unit"] = "µg/m3"; doc["readings"][1]["specie"] = "pm10"; doc["readings"][1]["value"] = pm10_concentration; doc["readings"][1]["unit"] = "µg/m3"; static char json_body[1024]; serializeJson(doc, json_body); HTTPClient http; http.begin(""); http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); int httpResponseCode = http.POST(json_body); if (httpResponseCode > 0) { String response = http.getString(); Serial.println(httpResponseCode); Serial.println(response); } else { Serial.print("Error on sending POST: "); Serial.println(httpResponseCode); } http.end(); }