슬로바키아의 공기질 네트워크 [Airnet Slovakia]
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Alexandra Nográdyho: Alexandra Nográdyho, Zvolen, District of Zvolen, Region of Banská Bystrica, Central Slovakia, 960 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Bardoňovo: Bardoňovo, District of Nové Zámky, Region of Nitra, Western Slovakia, 941 49, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Batkova: Batkova, Dúbravka, Bratislava, District of Bratislava IV, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, 841 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Beckov: Beckov, District of Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Biskupa Királya: Biskupa Királya, Komárno, District of Komárno, Region of Nitra, Western Slovakia, 945 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Borinova: Borinova, Námestovo, District of Námestovo, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 029 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Bystrická cesta: Bystrická cesta, Roveň, Ružomberok, District of Ružomberok, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 034 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Gemerská Hôrka: Gemerská Hôrka, District of Rožňava, Region of Košice, Eastern Slovakia, 04912, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Granč-Petrovce: Granč-Petrovce, District of Levoča, Region of Prešov, Eastern Slovakia, 053 05, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Hollého: Hollého, Sobrance, Region of Košice, Eastern Slovakia, 07301, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Jozefa Murgaša: Jozefa Murgaša, Prievidza, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 97101, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Jurská: Nino Bar, Jurská, Halatka, Bratislava, Nové Mesto, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, 831 54, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Jánošíková: Jánošíková, Dunajská Lužná, District of Senec, Region of Bratislava, 900 42, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Klokočinská: Klokočinská, Nový Lukov, Párovské Háje, Nitra, District of Nitra, Region of Nitra, Western Slovakia, 949 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Krompašská: Krompašská, Pereš, Košice - mestská časť Pereš, District of Košice II, Košice, Region of Košice, Eastern Slovakia, 040 11, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Lamačská cesta: Karlova Ves, District of Bratislava IV, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, 841 04, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Liesek: Liesek, District of Tvrdošín, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 027 12, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Likavka: Likavka, District of Ružomberok, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 034 95, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Morovnianska: Morovnianska, Ráztočno, District of Prievidza, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 97231, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Nad záhradou: Trenčianske Jastrabie, District of Trenčín, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 91322, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Narcisová: Nové Košariská, Dunajská Lužná, District of Senec, Region of Bratislava, 900 42, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Nábrežie: Nábrežie, Námestovo, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 029 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Oravská Jasenica: Oravská Jasenica, District of Námestovo, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 029 64, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Oreské: Oreské, District of Michalovce, Region of Košice, Eastern Slovakia, 072 23, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Palisády: Palisády, Hausbergle, Oblasť Partizánska, Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto, Staré Mesto, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, 811 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Panská: Koloseum - Tex Mex Restaurant, Panská, Staré Mesto, Ružomberok, District of Ružomberok, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 034 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Partizánska: Partizánska, Hausbergle, Oblasť Partizánska, Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto, Staré Mesto, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, 811 03, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Pionierska: Pionierska, Predné Halny, Brezno, District of Brezno, Region of Banská Bystrica, Central Slovakia, 977 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Plánková: Plánková, Kremnička, District of Banská Bystrica, Region of Banská Bystrica, Central Slovakia, 974 05, Slovakia
uRad Monitor
Plátenícka: Plátenícka, Dolný Štefanov, Štefanov nad Oravou, District of Tvrdošín, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 027 44, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Pod Kalváriou: Okresná správa ciest, Pod Kalváriou, Topoľčany, Region of Nitra, Western Slovakia, 95501, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Potôčky: Trenčianska Závada, Nemšová, District of Trenčín, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 914 41, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Precin: Obecný úrad Prečín, 304, Prečín, District of Považská Bystrica, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 018 15, Slovakia
Gaia realtime air quality monitoring network
Rabčice: Rabčice, District of Námestovo, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 029 45, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Rabčická: Rabčická, Rabča, District of Námestovo, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 029 44, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Rudolfa Dilonga: Rudolfa Dilonga, Malacky, Region of Bratislava, 90101, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Rybany: Rybany, District of Bánovce nad Bebravou, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 956 36, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
SNP: SNP, Jalovec, District of Prievidza, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 94231, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Saratovská: TNJ, Saratovská, Trenčín, District of Trenčín, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 911 08, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Severná: Severná, Banská Bystrica, Region of Banská Bystrica, Central Slovakia, 974 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Slnečná: Nová Černová, Černová, Ružomberok, District of Ružomberok, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 034 06, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Trenčianske Teplice: Trenčianske Teplice, District of Trenčín, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 914 51, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Trávnik: Trávnik, District of Komárno, Region of Nitra, Western Slovakia, 946 19, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Veterná: Veterná, Námestovo, District of Námestovo, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 029 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Volgogradská: Materská škola Volgogradská, 48, Volgogradská, Sídlisko III, Prešov, District of Prešov, Region of Prešov, Eastern Slovakia, 080 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Zádubnie: Zádubnie, Žilina, District of Žilina, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 01003, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Záhradnícka: Záhradnícka, Sokolská lúka, Bratislava, Ružinov, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, 821 08, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Záhradnícka: Záhradnícka, Trenčín, District of Trenčín, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 91101, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Šrobárova: Šrobárova, Poprad, District of Poprad, Region of Prešov, Eastern Slovakia, 058 01, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Švošov: Švošov, District of Ružomberok, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Banska Bystrica, Zelena: Fončorda, Radvaň, District of Banská Bystrica, Region of Banská Bystrica, Central Slovakia, 974 04, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Bratislava, Kamenne nam.: Dunajská štvrť, Oblasť Dunajská, Old Town, District of Bratislava I, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, 811 08, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Bratislava, Mamateyova: Saleziáni Don Bosca, 4, Mamateyova, Staré Ovsište, Háje, Bratislava, Petržalka, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, 851 04, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Bratislava, Trnavske Myto: Trnavská cesta, Sokolská lúka, Nivy, Nové Mesto, District of Bratislava II, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, 831 04, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Bratislava-Jeseniova: Tupého, Vinohrady, Bratislava, District of Bratislava III, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, 815 63, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Bystricany, Rozvodna SSE: Osloboditeľov, Bystričany, District of Prievidza, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 972 45, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Chopok, EMEP: Duško Dlhý, Derešská, Horná Lehota, District of Brezno, Region of Banská Bystrica, Central Slovakia, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Ganovce, Meteo. st.: SHMÚ - Gánovce, 178/1, Hlavná, Gánovce, District of Poprad, Region of Prešov, Eastern Slovakia, 058 01, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Handlova, Moravianska cesta: Handlová, District of Prievidza, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 972 51, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Hnusta, Hlavna: Hnúšťa, District of Rimavská Sobota, Region of Banská Bystrica, Central Slovakia, 981 01, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Humenne, Nam. Slobody: Valaškovce, Sídlisko II, Humenné, District of Humenné, Region of Prešov, Eastern Slovakia, 066 01, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Jelsava, Jesenskeho: Jesenského, Jelšava, District of Revúca, Region of Banská Bystrica, Central Slovakia, 049 16, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Kolonicke sedlo: Astronomické observatórium na Kolonickom sedle, 74, Ladomirov, District of Snina, Region of Prešov, Eastern Slovakia, 067 71, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Kosice, Amurska: Poliklinika, Spišské námestie, Jazero, Košice - mestská časť Nad Jazerom, District of Košice IV, Košice, Region of Košice, Eastern Slovakia, 040 12, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Kosice, Stefanikova I.: Stredné Mesto, Old Town, District of Košice I, Košice, Region of Košice, Eastern Slovakia, 040 01, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Krompachy, SNP: SNP, Krompachy, District of Spišská Nová Ves, Region of Košice, Eastern Slovakia, 053 42, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Martin, Jesenskeho: Martin, District of Martin, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 036 01, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Nitra, Janikovce: Bar na Ihrisku, 487/106, Dlhá, Janíkovce, Veľké Janíkovce, Nitra, District of Nitra, Region of Nitra, Western Slovakia, 949 07, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Nitra, Sturova: Topoľčianska, Chrabrany, District of Topoľčany, Region of Nitra, Western Slovakia, 955 01, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Palisády: Palisády, Tivoli, Oblasť Partizánska, Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto, Staré Mesto, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, 811 06, Slovakia
Citizen Science project sensor.community
Presov, arm. gen. L. Svobodu: Eurowash, Pod Táborom, Sekčov, Prešov, District of Prešov, Region of Prešov, Eastern Slovakia, 080 01, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Prievidza, Malonecpalska: Nedožerská cesta, Necpaly, Prievidza, District of Prievidza, Region of Trenčín, Western Slovakia, 971 01, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Ruzomberok, Riadok: Staré Mesto, Jelence, Ružomberok, District of Ružomberok, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 034 01, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Senica, Hviezdoslavova: Hviezdoslavova, Sotina, Senica, District of Senica, Region of Trnava, Western Slovakia, 905 01, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Sered, Vinarska: Pod Veľkým Tribečom, Kovarce, District of Topoľčany, Region of Nitra, Western Slovakia, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Stara Lesna, AV SAV, EMEP: Observatórium Stará Lesná, Hlavná, Stará Lesná, District of Kežmarok, Region of Prešov, Eastern Slovakia, 059 60, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Starina, Vodna nadrz, EMEP: 558, Starina nad Cirochou, Stakčín, District of Snina, Region of Prešov, Eastern Slovakia, 067 61, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Strazske, Mierova: Družstevná, Strážske, District of Michalovce, Region of Košice, Eastern Slovakia, 072 22, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)
Tatranská cesta, Ružomberok: Roveň, Ružomberok, District of Ružomberok, Region of Žilina, Central Slovakia, 034 01, Slovakia
Slovak hydrometeorological institute (Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav)
Topolniky, Aszod, EMEP: Topoľníky, District of Dunajská Streda, Region of Trnava, Western Slovakia, 930 11, Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český hydrometeorologický ústav)

W.H.O. Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health

깨끗한 공기는 모든 사람이 살기 위해 필수적이며, 건강한 환경에 대한 권리에 필수적입니다. 정부와 기업은 모든 사람에게 깨끗한 공기를 실현하기 위한 효과적인 조치를 시행하기 위해 긴급 조치를 취해야 합니다.

대기 오염 위기 - WHO와 글로벌 커뮤니티가 긴급 조치를 촉구합니다


제2회 WHO 대기 오염 및 건강 세계대회(콜롬비아, 카르테헤나, 2025년 3월 25-27일)를 앞두고 세계 보건계는 깨끗한 공기를 위해 긴급하게 행동을 촉구하며 정부, 기업 리더, 정책 입안자들에게 대기 오염을 막고 생명을 구하기 위한 신속한 조치를 촉구하고 있습니다.

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GAIA 공기질 모니터는 설정이 매우 쉽습니다. WIFI 액세스 포인트와 USB 호환 전원 공급 장치만 있으면 됩니다.

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대기질 순위

Airnet 네트워크 피드

Dubai Municipality- Environment Department - Environmental Planning And Studies Section 8 stations Abuja SERLCAR Space Environment Research Laboratory, Center for Atmospheric Research, Abuja1 stations 🇦🇪AED - Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi ( هيئة البيئة - أبو ظبي) 55 stations 🇲🇪Agencija Za Zaštitu Prirode I životne Sredine - Montenegro Environement Protection Agency 9 stations 🇬🇧Air Quality In Wales 33 stations 🇨🇦Air Quality Ontario - The Ontario Ministry Of The Environment And Climate Change 38 stations 🇩🇪Air Quality, Saxon State Office (Luftqualität Sächsisches Landesamt Für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft Und Geologie) 50 stations 🇫🇷Airbreizh - Qualité De L'air En Bretagne 13 stations 🇧🇴 🇨🇱 🇲🇽 🇪🇨 🇵🇪 🇺🇸 🇲🇽 🇦🇷Aire Ciudadano Ciencia ciudadana por la Calidad del Aire412 stations 🇹🇭AirGradient Co. Ltd. 1629 stations 🇰🇿AirKaz.org 249 stations 🇫🇷AirParif - Association De Surveillance De La Qualité De L'air En Île-de-France 39 stations 🇺🇬 🇨🇲 🇪🇹 🇬🇭 🇰🇪 🇳🇬 🇸🇬AirQo Clean air for all African cities595 stations Alaska DEC- Division Of Air Quality Information, Alaska Department Of Enviromental Protection 55 stations 🇨🇦Alberta Environment And Sustainable Resource Development - Air Quality Monitoring 64 stations 🇬🇹Ambente 4 stations 🇱🇹Aplinkos Monitoringas Vilniaus 20 stations 🇺🇸AQMD NASA 69 stations AQSEA Air Quality Monitoring Capacity in Southeast Asia84 stations 🇫🇷ATMO Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - Surveillance De La Qualite De L’air 23 stations 🇫🇷Atmo En Hauts-de-France - Pas-de-Calais 38 stations 🇫🇷AtmoGE - La Qualité De L’air Dans Le Grand Est 50 stations 🇫🇷AtmoNAQ - La Qualité De L’air En Nouvelle Aquitaine 44 stations 🇦🇺Australian National University (ANU) 35 stations 🇲🇽Ayuntamiento De Mexicali 95 stations 🇮🇩Balai Besar Standardisasi Dan Pelayanan Jasa Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri (BBSPJPPI) 4152 stations 🇮🇩Bandung Institute Of Technology (ITB) 1 stations 🇧🇩Bangladesh University Of Engineering And Technology 9 stations 🇩🇪Bayern State Office For The Environment (Bayerisches Staatsministerium Für Umwelt Und Verbraucherschutz) - LfU 46 stations 🇩🇪Berlin Air Quality - (Luftqualität In Berlin) 14 stations 🇮🇩BMKG | Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi Dan Geofisika 27 stations 🇨🇦British Columbia, Canada Air Quality Monitoring Agency 77 stations 🇺🇸California EDCAQMD El Dorado County Air Quality Management District66 stations 🇺🇸California FRAQMD The Feather River AQMD1 stations 🇺🇸California RIVR Riverside County Air Quality Management District16 stations 🇺🇸California SBCAPCD Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District59 stations 🇺🇸California SCSB Sonoma Coast State Beach40 stations 🇨🇴 🇪🇸Canair.io Citizen network for monitoring air quality29 stations 🇺🇸CCA California Coalition for Clean Air219 stations 🇺🇸CCA Colorado Citizens for Clean Air70 stations CCA Coloradodo Citizens for Cln Air1 stations 🇺🇸CCST Crow Creek Sioux Tribe10 stations 🇲🇳Central Laboratory Of Environment And Metrology (CLEM) 9 stations 🇲🇬Centre National De Recherches Sur L'Environnement 8 stations 🇺🇸City Of Minneapolis Community Air Monitoring Project 97 stations Clarity Clarity Movement Co.2082 stations 🇺🇸Clean Air Carolina 100 stations Clean Air Nottingham 13 stations 🇺🇸Clean Air Now Kansas (CANK) 33 stations 🇺🇸CleanAIRE NC 108 stations 🇹🇭Cmu Ccdc 3183 stations 🇺🇸College Of Food, Agricultural And Natural Resource Sciences 1 stations 🇺🇸Colorado APCD Colorado Air Pollution Control Division58 stations Colorado Department Of Environmental Protection 45 stations 🇨🇦Columbia Shuswap Regional District Air Monitoring Project 34 stations 🇪🇸Consejería De Educación, Universidades Y Sostenibilidad - Gobierno De Canarias 49 stations 🇪🇸Conselleria De Infraestructuras, Territorio Y Medio Ambiente (Calidad Del Aire - CALIDAD AMBIENTAL) 23 stations 🇮🇪Cork City Council CCC Cork City Council Air Monitoring Project49 stations 🇭🇷Croatian Environment Agency - Agencija Za Zaštitu Okoliša 58 stations 🇦🇺CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation27 stations Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český Hydrometeorologický ústav) 188 stations 🇦🇩Departament De Medi Ambient D'Andorra - Qualitat De L'Aire A Andorra 4 stations 🇪🇸Departamento De Medio Ambiente, Planificación Territorial Y Vivienda · Gobierno Vasco 62 stations 🇪🇸Direccion General Medio Ambiente, Comunidad Autónoma De La Región De Murcia 11 stations 🇳🇬EdoState Edo State Nigeria3 stations 🇺🇸EJCAN Environmental Justice Community Action Network23 stations 🇨🇦Environnement Au Québec 40 stations 🇨🇭EPFL-LAPI Laboratory of atmospheric processes and their impacts7 stations Federalni Hidrometeorološki Zavod 25 stations 🇱🇰Foundation For Environment, Climate And Technology (FECT) 11 stations 🇺🇸FRESSCA Filtration for Respiratory Exposure to wildfire Smoke from Swamp Cooler Air47 stations Galapagos UNC/USFQ Galapagos Science Center0 stations 🇵🇪GeoHealthPeru Regional GEOHealth Hub in Peru162 stations Ghana AQ The Ghana Urban Air Quality Project (GHAir)13 stations 🇳🇵Government Of Nepal, Ministry Of Population And Environment, Department Of Environment Air Quality Monitoring 23 stations 🇫🇷GWAD'AIR, L’Association Agréée De Surveillance De La Qualité De L'Air En Guadeloupe 6 stations HabitatMap 1704 stations 🇺🇸Hawaii State Department Of Health 2 stations Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department - 空氣質素健康指數單張及海報 18 stations 🇺🇸Houston AAH Air Alliance Houston96 stations 🇭🇺Hungarian Air Quality Network (Maďarský Systém Na Meranie Znečistenia Vzduchu) 62 stations IFRO Karolinska Institutet3 stations 🇫🇮Ilmanlaatu - Air Quality In Finland 82 stations 🇲🇽INECC - Instituto Nacional De Ecología Y Cambio Climático 179 stations 🇯🇪Information And Public Services For The Island Of Jersey (L'înformâtion Et Les Sèrvices Publyis Pouor I'Île Dé Jèrri) 2 stations 🇽🇰Instituti Hidrometeorologjik I Kosovës 12 stations 🇦🇴Instituto Superior Politécnico Tundavala 8 stations 🇧🇪IRCEL-CELINE - Belgian Interregional Environment Agency 86 stations 🇮🇪Ireland Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 109 stations Japan Atmospheric Environmental Regional Observation System (環境省大気汚染物質広域監視システム) 37 stations Japan Atmospheric Environmental Regional Observation System (環境省大気汚染物質広域監視システム) 86 stations Japan Atmospheric Environmental Regional Observation System (環境省大気汚染物質広域監視システム) 118 stations 🇦🇷Jujuy Municipio de San Salvador de Jujuy0 stations 🇮🇩Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup Dan Kehutanan 122 stations 🇺🇦Kievoblast Ecology 13 stations 🇫🇷L'observatoire De La Qualité De L'air En Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte D'Azur 57 stations 🇬🇹Laboratorio ECOQUIMSA Guatemala 11 stations 🇭🇳Laboratorio ECOQUIMSA Honduras 1 stations Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 4 stations 🇩🇪Landesamt Für Umwelt, Naturschutz Und Geologie - LUNG 17 stations 🇩🇪Landesamt Für Umwelt- Und Arbeitsschutz 9 stations 🇩🇪Landesamt Für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt 25 stations 🇩🇪LANUV - State Agency For Nature, Environment And Consumer Protection Of North Rhine Westphalia (Landesamt Für Natur, Umwelt Und Verbraucherschutz NRW) 61 stations 🇬🇷LAPUP Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics of the University of Patras8 stations 🇸🇳LASOMED Université Gaston Berger1 stations 🇸🇳LPAOSF Laboratoire de Recherche dans le domaine du Climat, de l'Atmosphére et de l'Océanographie2 stations 🇩🇪Luftqualität In Schleswig-Holstein 15 stations 🇩🇪Luftqualität | Nds. Ministerium Für Umwelt, Energie Und Klimaschutz 28 stations 🇩🇪Luftreinhaltung Rheinland-Pfalz 25 stations 🇺🇦LUN City Air (ЛУН Місто Air) 201 stations 🇫🇷Madininair La Qualité De L’air En Martinique 7 stations 🇺🇸Massachusetts MASSDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection80 stations 🇪🇸Medi Ambient. Generalitat De Catalunya 62 stations Meteo Lausanne 1 stations 🇲🇬Meteo Madagascar 9 stations 🇺🇸Methow Valley Citizens Council 31 stations 🇵🇦MiAmbiente Ministerio de Ambiente de Panamá5 stations Michigan Department Of Environmental Quality 40 stations 🇺🇸Mid-Ohio MORPC Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission125 stations Ministry Of Environment And Physical Planning – Republic Of North Macedonia 22 stations Moenv.mv Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy, Maldives1 stations 🇺🇸MPCA Minnesota Pollution Control Agency22 stations 🇨🇦MSC / UNBC AQMap 966 stations 🇺🇸Multnomah MULTCO Multnomah County Climate and Health16 stations 🇨🇭NABEL / FOEN - Switzerland Federal Office For The Environment 14 stations NASA CSESP / RTI 207 stations National Agency For Meteorology And Environmental Monitoring (Цаг уур орчны шинжилгээний газар ) 21 stations 🇵🇪National University Of San Agustin Of Arequipa 0 stations 🇸🇪Natur Vårdsverket - Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 65 stations 🇺🇸NCC New Castle County Air Quality5 stations 🇫🇷NebuleAir 139 stations 🇳🇵Nepal Health Research Council 7 stations 🇺🇸Nevada NDEP Nevada Division of Environmental Protection109 stations New Foundland And Labrador Department Of Environment And Conservation 7 stations 🇨🇦Nova Scotia Environment 8 stations 🇦🇺NSW Department Of Planning And Environment 122 stations 🇨🇦NWT Air Quality Monitoring Network 7 stations 🇨🇴OAB - El Observatorio Ambiental De Bogotá 19 stations 🇫🇷Observatoire Agréé Pour Assurer La Surveillance De La Qualité De L’air Sur Le Territoire De La Région Occitanie 41 stations 🇫🇷Observatoire De La Qualité De L'air En Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 80 stations 🇫🇷Observatoire De La Qualité De L'Air à Mayotte - Association Agréée Pour La Surveillance De La Qualité De L'Air De Mayotte 4 stations 🇴🇲Oman Environment Authority 31 stations 🇨🇦Ontario MECP Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks27 stations Open Sense 400 stations 🇫🇷ORA - L'Observatoire Réunionnais De L’Air 15 stations 🇫🇷ORA Guyane - Observatoire Régional De L'Air De Guyane 4 stations 🇺🇸Oregon CTUIR Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation35 stations Oregon Department Of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 78 stations Osc.lk The Overseas School of Colombo4 stations 🇬🇭Oxygen City Environmental Protection Agency in Ghana2 stations 🇮🇳Paljor Naygyal Girls School 1 stations 🇬🇷PANACEA PANhellenic infrastructure for Atmospheric Composition and climatE chAnge112 stations 🇵🇪PCUP Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú5 stations 🇺🇸Physicians For Social Responsibility Pennsylvania 92 stations 🇱🇺Portail De L'Environnement Du Grand-duché De Luxembourg 5 stations 🇧🇷Projeto EDUC.AIR Programa de Educação em Qualidade do Ar27 stations Purple Air 65207 stations 🇫🇷Qualitair Région Corse - Surveillance De La Qualité De L'air En Corse 7 stations 🇮🇹Qualità Dell’aria | Agenzia Provinciale Per L'ambiente | Provincia Autonoma Di Bolzano - Alto Adige 14 stations 🇨🇦Québec CEAEQ Centre d'expertise en analyse environnementale du Québec84 stations 🇮🇳Respirer Living Sciences 68 stations 🇨🇦Revolv'Air, Outil De Analyse De L'air Du Québec 60 stations RIVM - Rijksinstituut Voor Volksgezondheid En Milieum, Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit 111 stations SAMOSA Sensor-based Air measurement Observatory for South Asia337 stations 🇹🇭Sansiri 58 stations 🇺🇦Save Dnipro 1787 stations 🇧🇷SEMA_AM Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente55 stations 🇵🇪SENAMHI Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú4 stations 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇳🇱 🇩🇰 🇧🇪 🇫🇮 🇬🇷 🇦🇺 🇮🇹 🇵🇱 🇻🇳Sensor Community formerly luftdaten.info33488 stations 🇸🇷SEPA - Serbian National Air Monitoring Network (Državna Mreža Za Automatski Monitoring Kvaliteta Vazduha) 85 stations 🇸🇨Seychelles Air Monitoring 12 stations 🇬🇩SGU-GND St. George’s University13 stations 🇨🇱Sistema Nacional De Calidad Del Aire En Chile 131 stations 🇸🇰Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (Slovenský Hydrometeorologický ústav) 64 stations 🇸🇮Slovenian Environment Agency (Agencija RS Za Okolje) 25 stations 🇿🇦South African Air Quality Information System - SAAQIS 190 stations 🇫🇷Surveillance De La Qualité De L'air Dans La Région Centre 23 stations Texas Commission On Environmental Quality (TCEQ) 137 stations 🇺🇸Texas UNT-GEO University of North Texas, Department of Geography and the Environment99 stations 🇩🇰The Department Of Environmental Science At Aarhus University - Institut For Miljøvidenskab 5 stations 🇮🇸The Environment Agency Of Iceland 19 stations 🇬🇱The School In Qaanaaq 1 stations 🇩🇪Thüringer Landesamt Für Umwelt, Bergbau Und Naturschutz 20 stations Tokyo, Japan Environment Agency (東京都環境局) 89 stations U.S. Department Of State 65 stations 🇸🇳UASZ Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor2 stations 🇨🇦UCM Environnement Québec11 stations 🇺🇸UCM University of California Merced346 stations 🇬🇧UK-AIR, Air Quality Information Resource - Defra, UK 68 stations 🇦🇹Umweltbundesamt 180 stations 🇩🇪Umweltbundesamt | Für Mensch Und Umwelt 7 stations 🇳🇬UNILAG AQMRG University of Lagos Air Quality Monitoring Research Group3 stations 🇨🇴Universidad De Los Llanos 1 stations 🇵🇪Universidad Nacional Intercultural Juan Santos Atahualpa 3 stations 🇵🇪Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) 4 stations 🇧🇴Universidad Privada Boliviana 2 stations 🇳🇦University Of Namibia 1 stations 🇲🇺UoM University of Mauritius1 stations 🇷🇴 🇮🇱URad Monitor 3642 stations 🇸🇳USSEIN Université du Sine Saloum El-hâdj ibrahima NIASS2 stations Utopia Fiber UTUTOPIA Fiber powered air quality monitoring program1 stations Utopia Fiber UTOPIA Fiber powered air quality monitoring program195 stations 🇻🇳Vietnam Center For Environmental Monitoring Portal (cổng Thông Tin Quan Trắc Môi Trường) 149 stations 🇨🇦Ville De Montreal - Réseau De Surveillance De La Qualité De L'air 20 stations Waqi World Air Quality Index data feed7 stations 🇺🇸Washington SCSB Northwest Clean Air Agency75 stations Washington State Department Of Ecology 124 stations 🇺🇸WE ACT For Environmental Justice West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc11 stations 🇦🇺Western Australia DWER Western Australia Department of Water and Environmental Regulation17 stations 🇿🇲Zambia CEEEZ Centre for Energy, Environment and Engineering1 stations 🇬🇷ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΣ - Greek Ministry Of Environment And Energy 14 stations 🇰🇿Қазгидромет - Kazhydromet 167 stations 🇹🇭ยักษ์ขาว Yakkaw (White Giant) 323 stations 🇺🇸საქართველოს გარემოს დაცვისა და სოფლის მეურნეობის სამინისტრო - Ministry Of Environment Protection And Agriculture Of Georgia 15 stations

대기질 및 환경 오염 측정에 관하여 :

대기질 지수 단계에 대하여

0 - 50 좋음 대기오염 관련 질환자군에서도 영향이 유발되지 않을 수준
51 -100 보통 환자군에게 만성 노출시 경미한 영향이 유발될 수 있는 수준
101-150 민감군영향 환자군 및 민감군에게 유해한 영향이 유발될 수 있는 수준
151-200 나쁨 환자군 및 민감군(어린이, 노약자 등)에게 유해한 영향 유발, 일반인도 건강상 불쾌감을 경험할 수 있는 수준
201-300 매우나쁨 환자군 및 민감군에게 급성 노출시 심각한 영향 유발, 일반인도 약한 영향이 유발될 수 있는 수준
300+ 위험 환자군 및 민감군에게 응급 조치가 발생되거나, 일반인에게 유해한 영향이 유발될 수 있는 수준
(Reference: see airkorea.or.kr)

대기질과 오염에 대해 더 많은 것을 알아보려면 위키피디아의 대기질 문서(영어)을 보거나 대기질과 건강에 대한 AirNow 가이드(영어)를 참조해보세요.

매우 유용한 베이징의 의학박사 Richard Saint Cyr MD의 건강 관련 팁을 보려면 www.myhealthbeijing.com 의 블로그를 확인하세요.

사용안내: 모든 대기 질 데이터는 발행 당시에 검증되지 않았으며, 품질 보증으로 인해 이러한 데이터는 예고없이 언제든지 수정 될 수 있습니다. 세계 대기 품질 지수 프로젝트는이 정보의 내용을 편집함에있어 합당한 기술과 관심을 행사했으며 어떤 상황에서도 세계 대기 품질 지수 (World Air Quality Index) 프로젝트 팀 또는 그 대리인은이 데이터의 공급으로 인해 직접 또는 간접적으로 발생하는 손실, 상해 또는 손해에 대해 계약, 불법 행위 또는 기타의 책임을지지 않습니다.


언어 설정 :

Temperature unit: