Aire Ciudadano: شبكة استشعار جودة الهواء في الوقت الحقيقي
Ciencia ciudadana por la Calidad del Aire

Map Data: © OpenStreetMap contributors; Map render © Tracestrack
Provincia de Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile 🇨🇱
Casa Ana Plantower Prueba 4df440, Macul, Chile
34 أيام
Casa Miguel 60ab28, La Florida, Chile
42 أيام
Casa Miguel ESP32 Node f25320, La Florida, Chile
31 أيام
Casa Miguel ESP8266 5003 88315b, La Florida, Chile
Casa Miguel Plantower Pru 864a56, La Florida, Chile
Casa Miguel SDS011 Dos a98438, La Florida, Chile
Casa Miguel SDS011 Nueve a99050, La Florida, Chile
SDS011 UC Uno 7a80a0, Macul, Chile
Sensirion UC Dos 88f0ac, Macul, Chile
Bogota, Colombia 🇨🇴
AireCiudadano Bog CJardinSur c9dd20, Bogota, Colombia
AireCiudadano Bog Maloka dc0b79, Bogota, Colombia
AireCiudadano CO BO Hayuelos 6d4d48, Bogota, Colombia
AireCiudadano Cindesus 17611c, Bogota, Colombia
AireCiudadano DBB COBOGSML 01 2aac64, Bogota, Colombia
43 أيام
Bog ModNorteDC22F dc224f, Bogota, Colombia
10 ساعات
PUR IED AltamiraSO Ext 186d66, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED AntonioVan Ext 406f2f, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED Atabanzha Ext cc5af9, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED Atahualpa Ext fc1748, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED Brasilia Ext fe6593, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED BrasiliaU Ext 8d6e9f, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED CVillavicen Ext 26eb58, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED Charry Ext f1d5cd, Bogota, Colombia
21 أيام
PUR IED ClemenciaC Ext 1b411a, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED ColegioBici Ext 25cbf6, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED CulPopu Ext e02ccb, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED DiegoM Ext d80ac8, Bogota, Colombia
12 ساعات
PUR IED Evangelista Exter 754066, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED FabioLozano Ext 6ea285, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED FaustinoS Ext 7b936f, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED FeGarciaLo Ext dc68ee, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED FilarmonicaS Ext 8a3bde, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED FranciscoPS Ext 7bfa9a, Bogota, Colombia
9 أيام
PUR IED FriederichN Ext 8ac92a, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED GYomasa Ext f6bea5, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED GabBetMejia Cienc 5a99c, Bogota, Colombia
35 أيام
PUR IED Gaitana Ext 5fcf4, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED GustavoR Ext 7a0c90, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED Isabel-II Ext 5245cc, Bogota, Colombia
5 أيام
PUR IED IsidroSur Exterio 5b90ea, Bogota, Colombia
6 أيام
PUR IED JorgeGaitan Exter f098d1, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED JorgeSoto Exterio d9d0a2, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED JoseMarti Exte 5b9bf, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED JulioFlorez Exter f9f314, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED LaBelleza Ext 7bc08c, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED ManuelS Exterior 5b269, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED ManuelZapata Ext 50824a, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED NEsperanza Ext d24b61, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED NacionesU Ext f661a9, Bogota, Colombia
2 أيام
PUR IED NidyaQT Ext 46e32d, Bogota, Colombia
13 أيام
PUR IED Ochoa Ext 1c29da, Bogota, Colombia
6 أيام
PUR IED QuirogaAlz Ext 1ddc82, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED RGuatemala Ext 1b89a3, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED RafaelB ext 283336, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED RepBoliVene Exter 27af7c, Bogota, Colombia
28 أيام
PUR IED Ricaurte Externo a0ea1, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED SimonB Exterior 913975, Bogota, Colombia
11 ساعات
PUR IED Tenerife Ext 1ab188, Bogota, Colombia
15 أيام
PUR IED UnionE Ext 5e2468, Bogota, Colombia
57 أيام
PUR IED VillaRica Ext 75be7c, Bogota, Colombia
La Ceja, Colombia 🇨🇴
Waira S06 Acacias Cll5a 635650, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S10 calle24Sancayetano 6d5a40, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S16 ClassRoom Cr21 14420f, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S17 Ilogico Cantarrana 67eda4, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S23 Manzanares Cll27 6350fc, La Ceja, Colombia
14 ساعات
Waira S24 Calle13a LaFloresta-6d4c14, La Ceja, Colombia
Soacha, Cundinamarca, Colombia 🇨🇴
20 أيام
SAM IE BuenosAires 306e73, Soacha ciudad, Colombia
SAM IE Cazuca 7f4c00, Soacha ciudad, Colombia
SAM IE Chiloe 6eeafa, Soacha ciudad, Colombia
15 ساعات
SAM IE ElCharquito 3075d1, El Charquito, Colombia
11 ساعات
SAM IE ElProgreso 1c4cc9, Soacha ciudad, Colombia
SAM IE Fusunga 4d410c, Corregimiento 1 Sur, Colombia
SAM IE GeneralSantander edee42, Soacha ciudad, Colombia
SAM IE LaDespensa 7c0276, Soacha ciudad, Colombia
SAM IE LeonXIII fb3f2c, Soacha ciudad, Colombia
SAM IE LuisCarlosGalan e38027, Soacha ciudad, Colombia
23 ساعات
SAM IE NuevoCompartir fc04d7, Soacha ciudad, Colombia
SAM IE PazyEsperanza f36757, Soacha ciudad, Colombia
4 أيام
SAM IE Ricaurte 16e48f, Soacha ciudad, Colombia
Medellín, RAP del Agua y la Montaña, Antioquia, Colombia 🇨🇴
DANO MED IEManuelCayzedo d26127, Medellín, Colombia
Bogota, RAP (Especial) Central, Colombia 🇨🇴
2 أيام
Abago EduardoSantos ce0eb0, Bogota, Colombia
42 أيام
DANO BOG LuisArango 1cfcbb, Bogota, Colombia
7 أيام
FDLT Alcaldia Tunjuelito 572807, Bogota, Colombia
FDLT CCNUEVOMUZU f10161, Bogota, Colombia
8 أيام
FDLT CL52 SUR 780c35, Bogota, Colombia
FDLT COOPICUR 50f74d, Bogota, Colombia
2 أيام
FDLT DANIELRECICLA e54e9, Bogota, Colombia
FDLT EVELIO a9740b, Bogota, Colombia
FDLT LCCAFAM 518d91, Bogota, Colombia
FDLT SALONISLASOL f325d, Bogota, Colombia
FDLT SANVICENTEF a489c7, Bogota, Colombia
FDLT SIEKIKA 88d5b9, Bogota, Colombia
FDLT VictorHugo f633fc, Bogota, Colombia
32 أيام
PUA TREES IE Lazarillo c51e00, Bogota, Colombia
PUA TREES IED Policarpa 281a0f, Bogota, Colombia
16 أيام
PUR IED AlfonsoLopez Ext 281d77, Bogota, Colombia
11 ساعات
PUR IED AlvaroGomez Ext 47c7ca, Bogota, Colombia
6 أيام
PUR IED AngelaR ext 7cad3e, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED CervantesSa Ext 6b57b, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED CostaRica Ext 5e640, Bogota, Colombia
9 أيام
PUR IED Cundinamarca Ext f15985, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED ElRodeo Ext 360881, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED EmmaReyes Ext 987625, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED Ensueño Ext 7f0250, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED EscNormal Ext 5fef3b, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED GustavoMo Exterio 75e63d, Bogota, Colombia
6 أيام
PUR IED HernandoDuran Ext 8cd82b, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED IsmaelPerd Ext 7b6672, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED JMCordoba Ext 27ad97, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED LaMerced ext 304311, Bogota, Colombia
36 أيام
PUR IED LeonGreiff Exte dfe560, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED LlanoOriental Ext fb3766, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED LosTejares Ext 8e2115, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED ManuelitaS Exteri 656a92, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED MinutoBAires Ext 81293f, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED PorfirioBarba Ext 301466, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED PradoV Exter 8b27ad, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED RafaNu Ext f7c302, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED RepChina Ext 76d9ee, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED Saludcoop Ext 95aac3, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED SilveriaR ext 2b651d, Bogota, Colombia
PUR IED Tibabuyes Exter f2683d, Bogota, Colombia
RAP del Agua y la Montaña, La Ceja, Antioquia, Colombia 🇨🇴
Waira Aldea01 Calle7d 14a-38 6d5078, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira Aldea02 calle8 15a-17 6d4d2c, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira Aldea03 ParqueLineal 6d5728, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira Aldea04 Calle7 3fff23, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S03 SueñosdelTambo f0ce40, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S05 AMSTERDAM TAMBO 6d5960, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S12 Calle21 Centro ce23f, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S20 Jorge Guayacane 16cfa2, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S26 sanCayetano calle25 6d5780, La Ceja, Colombia
RAP del Agua y la Montaña, Antioquia, Colombia 🇨🇴
35 أيام
Waira Redcoco Neco E3 b165f6, Necoclí, Colombia
Waira Redcoco Neco S02 3a33, Necoclí, Colombia
Waira Redcoco PFaro S11 8caeb6, Arboletes, Colombia
8 ساعات
Waira Redcoco SJU S23 8d658a, San Juan de Urabá, Colombia
57 أيام
Waira Uraba C10 Prueba 1a1dbb, Necoclí, Colombia
La Ceja, Antioquia, Colombia 🇨🇴
Waira S01 Cwork 16e480, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S08 Cll17 6d4af4, La Ceja, Colombia
12 ساعات
Waira S09 Cr20 SC 6d5710, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S11 Cll20 Riva ea1f84, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S13 Pay Cll5C 6350dc, La Ceja, Colombia
29 أيام
Waira S14 Cruz CR19 63563c, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S15 Capiro 6d4f68, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S18 Cr20 Asilo 44d334, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S19 Cl17c Sauces 63544c, La Ceja, Colombia
34 أيام
Waira S21 PrrSan 6d4f08, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S25 Hip 635114, La Ceja, Colombia
Waira S28 Ald 6d51f4, La Ceja, Colombia
Colombia 🇨🇴
21 أيام
Waira Redcoco Lab S27 a12826, Arboletes, Colombia
21 أيام
Waira Uraba C02 7c0454, Necoclí, Colombia
Turbo, RAP del Agua y la Montaña, Antioquia, Colombia 🇨🇴
Waira RedCoco Na T2 b4ff6f, Turbo, Colombia
Waira RedCoco ProfeM T18 150a4b, Turbo, Colombia
Waira Redcoco NutelaT S07 da71f2, Turbo, Colombia
Waira Redcoco Turbo S20 ee1662, Colombia
Waira Uraba C01 a12c88, Turbo, Colombia
RAP (Especial) Central, Mesetas, Meta, Colombia 🇨🇴
29 أيام
Trebola Meta Mesetas 988d7e, Colombia
Cundinamarca, Tocancipá, Colombia 🇨🇴
AireCiudadano COL PJD 1831b4, Cundinamarca, Colombia
RAP Gran Santander, Norte de Santander, Colombia 🇨🇴
60 أيام
AC NorteSantander Corozal 6b2c8f, Los Patios, Colombia
Perímetro Urbano Cúcuta, RAP Gran Santander, Norte de Santander, Colombia 🇨🇴
DANO CUC JulioPerezFsede1 59906b, Perímetro Urbano Cúcuta, Colombia
Sensi 3 cuc 38edc4, Perímetro Urbano Cúcuta, Colombia
Ancón, Distrito de Panamá, Panamá Province, Panama 🇵🇦
34 أيام
Panama 519438, Ancón
33 أيام
Sebastián Bravo 38e0c5
29 أيام
UIS aire 1 b929cc
Provincia de Cordillera, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile 🇨🇱
Casa Miguel SDS011 Uno 164a28, San José de Maipo, Chile
Cundinamarca, Colombia 🇨🇴
AireCiudadano COLCHIA SIMBIOT 6d4d88, Chía, Colombia
RAP del Agua y la Montaña, Carepa, Antioquia, Colombia 🇨🇴
Waira Carepa 02 39c722, Colombia
Carepa, Antioquia, Colombia 🇨🇴
3 أيام
Waira S30 carepa 635110, Colombia
Cundinamarca, La Mesa, Colombia 🇨🇴
10 أيام
PUA TREES IED SabioMutis 4d5407, La Mesa, Colombia
Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia 🇨🇴
DANO CAL GPedroAlcanH 1a84ec, Cali, Colombia
Quito, Quito Canton, Pichincha, Ecuador 🇪🇨
EC QUITO SALESIANA SUR 6d5984, Quitumbe, Ecuador
Metropolitan France, Seine-Saint-Denis, Ile-de-France, France 🇫🇷
49 أيام
AireCiudadano FRA Paris 1 791cd7, Noisy-le-Sec, France
Nacajuca, Tabasco, Mexico 🇲🇽
Hablando al aire b537bd, Pomoca, Mexico
Lima Metropolitan Area, Province of Lima, Lima, Peru 🇵🇪
LIMA-Santa Clara-E01 88cbc0, Lima Metropolitan Area, Peru
Miami Springs, Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States of America 🇺🇸
AireCiudadano USA Mia AlC c58e61, Miami Springs, United States of America
Missouri City, Fort Bend County, Texas, United States of America 🇺🇸
AireCiudadano USA Hou SL1 50db59, Missouri City, United States of America
Seattle, King County, Washington, United States of America 🇺🇸
AireCiudadano USA Seat 01 27a3fd, Seattle, United States of America
يشارك: “Aire Ciudadano: شبكة استشعار جودة الهواء في الوقت الحقيقي

تغذية جودة الهواء في الوقت الحقيقي مقدمة من:

طيران المواطن

Aire Ciudadano

Ciencia ciudadana por la Calidad del Aire

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يغذي شبكة Airnet

Dubai Municipality- Environment Department - Environmental Planning And Studies Section 8 stations Abuja SERLCAR Space Environment Research Laboratory, Center for Atmospheric Research, Abuja1 stations 🇦🇪AED - Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi ( هيئة البيئة - أبو ظبي) 55 stations 🇲🇪Agencija Za Zaštitu Prirode I životne Sredine - Montenegro Environement Protection Agency 9 stations 🇬🇧Air Quality In Wales 33 stations 🇨🇦Air Quality Ontario - The Ontario Ministry Of The Environment And Climate Change 38 stations 🇩🇪Air Quality, Saxon State Office (Luftqualität Sächsisches Landesamt Für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft Und Geologie) 50 stations 🇫🇷Airbreizh - Qualité De L'air En Bretagne 13 stations 🇧🇴 🇨🇱 🇲🇽 🇪🇨 🇵🇪 🇺🇸 🇲🇽 🇦🇷Aire Ciudadano Ciencia ciudadana por la Calidad del Aire419 stations 🇹🇭AirGradient Co. Ltd. 1694 stations 🇰🇿 249 stations 🇫🇷AirParif - Association De Surveillance De La Qualité De L'air En Île-de-France 39 stations 🇺🇬 🇨🇲 🇪🇹 🇬🇭 🇰🇪 🇳🇬 🇸🇬AirQo Clean air for all African cities595 stations Alaska DEC- Division Of Air Quality Information, Alaska Department Of Enviromental Protection 55 stations 🇨🇦Alberta Environment And Sustainable Resource Development - Air Quality Monitoring 64 stations 🇬🇹Ambente 4 stations 🇱🇹Aplinkos Monitoringas Vilniaus 20 stations 🇺🇸AQMD NASA 69 stations AQSEA Air Quality Monitoring Capacity in Southeast Asia84 stations 🇫🇷ATMO Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - Surveillance De La Qualite De L’air 23 stations 🇫🇷ATMO Champagne-Ardenne 50 stations 🇫🇷Atmo En Hauts-de-France - Pas-de-Calais 38 stations 🇫🇷AtmoNAQ - La Qualité De L’air En Nouvelle Aquitaine 44 stations 🇦🇺Australian National University (ANU) 35 stations 🇲🇽Ayuntamiento De Mexicali 95 stations 🇮🇩Balai Besar Standardisasi Dan Pelayanan Jasa Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri (BBSPJPPI) 4152 stations 🇮🇩Bandung Institute Of Technology (ITB) 1 stations 🇧🇩Bangladesh University Of Engineering And Technology 9 stations 🇩🇪Bayern State Office For The Environment (Bayerisches Staatsministerium Für Umwelt Und Verbraucherschutz) - LfU 46 stations 🇩🇪Berlin Air Quality - (Luftqualität In Berlin) 14 stations 🇮🇩BMKG | Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi Dan Geofisika 27 stations 🇨🇦British Columbia, Canada Air Quality Monitoring Agency 77 stations 🇺🇸California EDCAQMD El Dorado County Air Quality Management District66 stations 🇺🇸California FRAQMD The Feather River AQMD1 stations 🇺🇸California RIVR Riverside County Air Quality Management District16 stations 🇺🇸California SBCAPCD Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District59 stations 🇺🇸California SCSB Sonoma Coast State Beach40 stations 🇨🇴 🇪🇸 Citizen network for monitoring air quality29 stations 🇺🇸CCA California Coalition for Clean Air219 stations 🇺🇸CCA Colorado Citizens for Clean Air70 stations CCA Coloradodo Citizens for Cln Air1 stations 🇺🇸CCST Crow Creek Sioux Tribe10 stations 🇲🇳Central Laboratory Of Environment And Metrology (CLEM) 9 stations 🇲🇬Centre National De Recherches Sur L'Environnement 8 stations 🇺🇸City Of Minneapolis Community Air Monitoring Project 97 stations Clarity Clarity Movement Co.2097 stations 🇺🇸Clean Air Carolina 100 stations Clean Air Nottingham 13 stations 🇺🇸Clean Air Now Kansas (CANK) 33 stations 🇺🇸CleanAIRE NC 109 stations 🇹🇭Cmu Ccdc 3192 stations 🇺🇸College Of Food, Agricultural And Natural Resource Sciences 1 stations 🇺🇸Colorado APCD Colorado Air Pollution Control Division58 stations Colorado Department Of Environmental Protection 45 stations 🇨🇦Columbia Shuswap Regional District Air Monitoring Project 34 stations 🇪🇸Consejería De Educación, Universidades Y Sostenibilidad - Gobierno De Canarias 49 stations 🇪🇸Conselleria De Infraestructuras, Territorio Y Medio Ambiente (Calidad Del Aire - CALIDAD AMBIENTAL) 23 stations 🇮🇪Cork City Council CCC Cork City Council Air Monitoring Project49 stations 🇭🇷Croatian Environment Agency - Agencija Za Zaštitu Okoliša 58 stations 🇦🇺CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation27 stations Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český Hydrometeorologický ústav) 188 stations 🇦🇩Departament De Medi Ambient D'Andorra - Qualitat De L'Aire A Andorra 4 stations 🇪🇸Departamento De Medio Ambiente, Planificación Territorial Y Vivienda · Gobierno Vasco 62 stations 🇪🇸Direccion General Medio Ambiente, Comunidad Autónoma De La Región De Murcia 11 stations 🇳🇬EdoState Edo State Nigeria3 stations 🇺🇸EJCAN Environmental Justice Community Action Network28 stations 🇨🇦Environnement Au Québec 40 stations 🇨🇭EPFL-LAPI Laboratory of atmospheric processes and their impacts7 stations Federalni Hidrometeorološki Zavod 25 stations 🇱🇰Foundation For Environment, Climate And Technology (FECT) 11 stations 🇺🇸FRESSCA Filtration for Respiratory Exposure to wildfire Smoke from Swamp Cooler Air47 stations Galapagos UNC/USFQ Galapagos Science Center0 stations 🇵🇪GeoHealthPeru Regional GEOHealth Hub in Peru163 stations Ghana AQ The Ghana Urban Air Quality Project (GHAir)14 stations 🇳🇵Government Of Nepal, Ministry Of Population And Environment, Department Of Environment Air Quality Monitoring 23 stations 🇫🇷GWAD'AIR, L’Association Agréée De Surveillance De La Qualité De L'Air En Guadeloupe 6 stations HabitatMap 1730 stations 🇺🇸Hawaii State Department Of Health 2 stations Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department - 空氣質素健康指數單張及海報 18 stations 🇺🇸Houston AAH Air Alliance Houston96 stations 🇭🇺Hungarian Air Quality Network (Maďarský Systém Na Meranie Znečistenia Vzduchu) 62 stations IFRO Karolinska Institutet3 stations 🇫🇮Ilmanlaatu - Air Quality In Finland 82 stations 🇲🇽INECC - Instituto Nacional De Ecología Y Cambio Climático 179 stations 🇯🇪Information And Public Services For The Island Of Jersey (L'înformâtion Et Les Sèrvices Publyis Pouor I'Île Dé Jèrri) 2 stations 🇽🇰Instituti Hidrometeorologjik I Kosovës 12 stations 🇦🇴Instituto Superior Politécnico Tundavala 8 stations 🇧🇪IRCEL-CELINE - Belgian Interregional Environment Agency 86 stations 🇮🇪Ireland Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 110 stations Japan Atmospheric Environmental Regional Observation System (環境省大気汚染物質広域監視システム) 118 stations Japan Atmospheric Environmental Regional Observation System (環境省大気汚染物質広域監視システム) 37 stations Japan Atmospheric Environmental Regional Observation System (環境省大気汚染物質広域監視システム) 86 stations 🇦🇷Jujuy Municipio de San Salvador de Jujuy0 stations 🇮🇩Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup Dan Kehutanan 136 stations 🇺🇦Kievoblast Ecology 13 stations 🇫🇷L'observatoire De La Qualité De L'air En Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte D'Azur 57 stations 🇬🇹Laboratorio ECOQUIMSA Guatemala 11 stations 🇭🇳Laboratorio ECOQUIMSA Honduras 1 stations Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 4 stations 🇩🇪Landesamt Für Umwelt, Naturschutz Und Geologie - LUNG 17 stations 🇩🇪Landesamt Für Umwelt- Und Arbeitsschutz 9 stations 🇩🇪Landesamt Für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt 25 stations 🇩🇪LANUV - State Agency For Nature, Environment And Consumer Protection Of North Rhine Westphalia (Landesamt Für Natur, Umwelt Und Verbraucherschutz NRW) 61 stations 🇬🇷LAPUP Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics of the University of Patras8 stations 🇸🇳LASOMED Université Gaston Berger1 stations 🇸🇳LPAOSF Laboratoire de Recherche dans le domaine du Climat, de l'Atmosphére et de l'Océanographie2 stations 🇩🇪Luftqualität In Schleswig-Holstein 15 stations 🇩🇪Luftqualität | Nds. Ministerium Für Umwelt, Energie Und Klimaschutz 28 stations 🇩🇪Luftreinhaltung Rheinland-Pfalz 25 stations 🇺🇦LUN City Air (ЛУН Місто Air) 201 stations 🇫🇷Madininair La Qualité De L’air En Martinique 7 stations 🇺🇸Massachusetts MASSDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection80 stations 🇪🇸Medi Ambient. Generalitat De Catalunya 62 stations Meteo Lausanne 1 stations 🇲🇬Meteo Madagascar 9 stations 🇺🇸Methow Valley Citizens Council 31 stations 🇵🇦MiAmbiente Ministerio de Ambiente de Panamá5 stations Michigan Department Of Environmental Quality 40 stations 🇺🇸Mid-Ohio MORPC Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission125 stations Ministry Of Environment And Physical Planning – Republic Of North Macedonia 22 stations Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy, Maldives1 stations 🇺🇸MPCA Minnesota Pollution Control Agency22 stations 🇨🇦MSC / UNBC AQMap 991 stations 🇺🇸Multnomah MULTCO Multnomah County Climate and Health16 stations 🇨🇭NABEL / FOEN - Switzerland Federal Office For The Environment 14 stations NASA CSESP / RTI 207 stations National Agency For Meteorology And Environmental Monitoring (Цаг уур орчны шинжилгээний газар ) 21 stations 🇵🇪National University Of San Agustin Of Arequipa 0 stations 🇸🇪Natur Vårdsverket - Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 65 stations 🇺🇸NCC New Castle County Air Quality5 stations 🇫🇷NebuleAir 140 stations 🇳🇵Nepal Health Research Council 7 stations 🇺🇸Nevada NDEP Nevada Division of Environmental Protection109 stations New Foundland And Labrador Department Of Environment And Conservation 7 stations 🇨🇦Nova Scotia Environment 8 stations 🇦🇺NSW Department Of Planning And Environment 122 stations 🇨🇦NWT Air Quality Monitoring Network 7 stations 🇨🇴OAB - El Observatorio Ambiental De Bogotá 19 stations 🇫🇷Observatoire Agréé Pour Assurer La Surveillance De La Qualité De L’air Sur Le Territoire De La Région Occitanie 41 stations 🇫🇷Observatoire De La Qualité De L'air En Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 80 stations 🇫🇷Observatoire De La Qualité De L'Air à Mayotte - Association Agréée Pour La Surveillance De La Qualité De L'Air De Mayotte 4 stations 🇴🇲Oman Environment Authority 41 stations 🇨🇦Ontario MECP Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks27 stations Open Sense 401 stations 🇫🇷ORA - L'Observatoire Réunionnais De L’Air 15 stations 🇫🇷ORA Guyane - Observatoire Régional De L'Air De Guyane 5 stations 🇺🇸Oregon CTUIR Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation35 stations Oregon Department Of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 78 stations The Overseas School of Colombo4 stations 🇬🇭Oxygen City Environmental Protection Agency in Ghana2 stations 🇮🇳Paljor Naygyal Girls School 1 stations 🇬🇷PANACEA PANhellenic infrastructure for Atmospheric Composition and climatE chAnge113 stations 🇵🇪PCUP Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú5 stations 🇺🇸Physicians For Social Responsibility Pennsylvania 92 stations 🇱🇺Portail De L'Environnement Du Grand-duché De Luxembourg 5 stations 🇧🇷Projeto EDUC.AIR Programa de Educação em Qualidade do Ar27 stations Purple Air 65456 stations 🇫🇷Qualitair Région Corse - Surveillance De La Qualité De L'air En Corse 7 stations 🇮🇹Qualità Dell’aria | Agenzia Provinciale Per L'ambiente | Provincia Autonoma Di Bolzano - Alto Adige 14 stations 🇨🇦Québec CEAEQ Centre d'expertise en analyse environnementale du Québec85 stations 🇮🇳Respirer Living Sciences 68 stations 🇨🇦Revolv'Air, Outil De Analyse De L'air Du Québec 60 stations RIVM - Rijksinstituut Voor Volksgezondheid En Milieum, Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit 111 stations SAMOSA Sensor-based Air measurement Observatory for South Asia337 stations 🇹🇭Sansiri 58 stations 🇺🇦Save Dnipro 1788 stations 🇧🇷SEMA_AM Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente55 stations 🇵🇪SENAMHI Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú4 stations 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇳🇱 🇩🇰 🇧🇪 🇫🇮 🇬🇷 🇦🇺 🇮🇹 🇵🇱 🇻🇳Sensor Community formerly luftdaten.info33604 stations 🇸🇷SEPA - Serbian National Air Monitoring Network (Državna Mreža Za Automatski Monitoring Kvaliteta Vazduha) 85 stations 🇸🇨Seychelles Air Monitoring 12 stations 🇬🇩SGU-GND St. George’s University13 stations 🇨🇱Sistema Nacional De Calidad Del Aire En Chile 131 stations 🇸🇰Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (Slovenský Hydrometeorologický ústav) 64 stations 🇸🇮Slovenian Environment Agency (Agencija RS Za Okolje) 25 stations 🇿🇦South African Air Quality Information System - SAAQIS 190 stations 🇫🇷Surveillance De La Qualité De L'air Dans La Région Centre 23 stations Texas Commission On Environmental Quality (TCEQ) 138 stations 🇺🇸Texas UNT-GEO University of North Texas, Department of Geography and the Environment99 stations 🇩🇰The Department Of Environmental Science At Aarhus University - Institut For Miljøvidenskab 5 stations 🇮🇸The Environment Agency Of Iceland 19 stations 🇬🇱The School In Qaanaaq 1 stations 🇩🇪Thüringer Landesamt Für Umwelt, Bergbau Und Naturschutz 20 stations Tokyo, Japan Environment Agency (東京都環境局) 89 stations U.S. Department Of State 65 stations 🇸🇳UASZ Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor2 stations 🇨🇦UCM Environnement Québec11 stations 🇺🇸UCM University of California Merced348 stations 🇬🇧UK-AIR, Air Quality Information Resource - Defra, UK 68 stations 🇦🇹Umweltbundesamt 180 stations 🇩🇪Umweltbundesamt | Für Mensch Und Umwelt 7 stations 🇳🇬UNILAG AQMRG University of Lagos Air Quality Monitoring Research Group3 stations 🇨🇴Universidad De Los Llanos 1 stations 🇵🇪Universidad Nacional Intercultural Juan Santos Atahualpa 3 stations 🇵🇪Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) 4 stations 🇧🇴Universidad Privada Boliviana 2 stations 🇳🇦University Of Namibia 1 stations 🇲🇺UoM University of Mauritius1 stations 🇷🇴 🇮🇱URad Monitor 3646 stations 🇸🇳USSEIN Université du Sine Saloum El-hâdj ibrahima NIASS2 stations Utopia Fiber UTOPIA Fiber powered air quality monitoring program195 stations Utopia Fiber UTUTOPIA Fiber powered air quality monitoring program1 stations 🇻🇳Vietnam Center For Environmental Monitoring Portal (cổng Thông Tin Quan Trắc Môi Trường) 149 stations 🇨🇦Ville De Montreal - Réseau De Surveillance De La Qualité De L'air 20 stations Waqi World Air Quality Index data feed7 stations 🇺🇸Washington SCSB Northwest Clean Air Agency75 stations Washington State Department Of Ecology 125 stations 🇺🇸WE ACT For Environmental Justice West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc11 stations 🇦🇺Western Australia DWER Western Australia Department of Water and Environmental Regulation17 stations 🇿🇲Zambia CEEEZ Centre for Energy, Environment and Engineering1 stations 🇬🇷ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΣ - Greek Ministry Of Environment And Energy 14 stations 🇰🇿Қазгидромет - Kazhydromet 170 stations 🇹🇭ยักษ์ขาว Yakkaw (White Giant) 323 stations 🇺🇸საქართველოს გარემოს დაცვისა და სოფლის მეურნეობის სამინისტრო - Ministry Of Environment Protection And Agriculture Of Georgia 15 stations

تصنيفات جودة الهواء حسب الدولة

حول جودة الهواء وقياس التلوث:

حول مستويات جودة الهواء

- قيم مؤشر جودة الهواء (AQI).مستويات الاهتمام بالصحة
0 - 50 جيد وتعتبر جودة الهواء مرضية ، كما أن تلوث الهواء لا يشكل خطراً يُذكر
51 -100 معتدل جودة الهواء مقبولة. ومع ذلك ، فبالنسبة لبعض الملوثات قد يكون هناك قلق صحي معتدل لعدد قليل جداً من الأشخاص الذين لديهم حساسية غير عادية لتلوث الهواء.
101-150 غير صحي للمجموعات الحساسة قد يواجه أعضاء المجموعات الحساسة آثارًا صحية. من غير المحتمل أن يتأثر عامة الناس.
151-200 غير صحي قد يعاني معظم الناس من الآثار الجانبية التي تؤثر على الصحة؛ أما الأفراد الذين لديهم وضع صحي حساس فقد يعانون من مشاكل صحية خطيرة
201-300 غير صحي للغاية تحذيرات صحية لظروف الطوارئ. من المرجح أن يتأثر جميع السكان.
300+ خطير تنبيه صحي: قد يعاني الجميع من آثار صحية أكثر خطورة

لمعرفة المزيد عن جودة الهواء والتلوث، راجع موضوع جودة الهواء في ويكيبيديا أو دليل airnow لجودة الهواء وصحتك .

للحصول على نصائح صحية مفيدة للغاية من طبيب بكين ريتشارد سانت سير، قم بزيارة مدونة .

إشعار الاستخدام: جميع بيانات جودة الهواء غير مضمونة في وقت النشر ، وبسبب ضمان الجودة ، يمكن تعديل هذه البيانات ، دون سابق إنذار ، في أي وقت. لقد مارس مشروع مؤشر جودة الهواء العالمي جميع المهارات والحلول المعقولة في تجميع محتويات هذه المعلومات ولن يكون تحت أي ظرف من الظروف فريق مشروع جودة الهواء العالمي أو وكلائه مسؤولين في العقد أو الضرر أو غير ذلك عن أي خسارة أو ضرر أو ضرر ناشئ بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر عن توريد هذه البيانات.


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