Publishing API for Dylos and Shinyei sensors

Note. The content on this page is outdated.
For the most recent upload API document, go to

If you have a Dylos or Shinyei sensor, and you would like to publish its data on the World Air Quality Index, then this page is for you. One of the easiest solution for uploading the Dylos data is to use the ready made scripts available on github. But if you need to brew your own system, or upload data from the Shinyei sensor, then you can use the APIs described on this page.

Note that this API specification is not final, but still on-going work, so if you meet any difficulty with the integration, just contact us to get the support.


API Endpoint

API Method: Uploading data

post /sensor/upload
  • id: Sensor ID, eg dylos.test-sensor-id
  • key: Sensor password - optional, only if the sensor ID is 'locked'.
  • time: Sensor time, with timezone information, in ISO 8601 format- eg 2014/10/08 18:03:45 +0800
  • location: Sensor position (latitude, longitude) - optional only if correlation with BAM sensor is requested

  • data: Array, containing all the raw readings
    • type: Sensor data type. For now, can be "dylos-0.5", "dylos-2.5", "shinyei-pdp42ns-2.5u" or "shinyei-pdp42ns-1u".
    • unit: Sensor data unit. For now, can be "pc" (particule count) or "lpo" (low pulse occupancy).
    • value: Sensor data reading. eg 94948 or 0.374

    1. The above parameters are encapsulated within the argument 'postdata' of the post request.
    2. The LPO value must be between 0 and 1. 0 Means transparent, 1 Opaque. For more information on how to extrac the LPO from the Shinyei sensor, please refer to this page: api/shinyei.
Return value:
  • result: Can be either ok or error.

    In case of ok result, the returned value will contain the sensor id as well as the upload data ids (for information purpose only).

    In case of error, the returned value will contain a description (field msg) and an error code (field ecode) which can be one of the following:

    • 101: There are missing arugments from the posted data. Minimum arguments are id, time and data.
    • 102: Key is not valid - the sensor is protected by password and the provided password is not correct.
    • 103: No data posted (i.e empty array or data is not an array).
    • 104: Unit, type of value information not available from the data field.
    • 105: Sensor type is unknown.
    • 106: The field value is not numeric.
    • 107: Time string can not be decode (is it ISO 8601 complaiant?)
    • 108: SQL query failed.


 $ curl -i "" -d 'postdata={id:"dylos.test-sensor-id",time:"2014-10-16T19:20:31+08:00",data:[{type:"dylos-2.5",value:88,unit:"pc"}]}'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 08:28:34 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.3
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Connection: close
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8


API Method: Getting the raw sensor data

get /sensor/download
  • id: Sensor ID, eg dylos.test-sensor-id
  • callback: Optional JsonP callback (eg "foo").
Example : 

Return value:


 $ curl -i ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 08:42:12 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.3
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Connection: close
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8


O mjerenju kvalitete zraka i zagađenja:

O razinama kvalitete zraka

- Vrijednosti indeksa kvalitete zraka (AQI).Nivoi zdravstvene brige
0 - 50 Dobro Kvalitet vazduha se smatra zadovoljavajućim, a zagađenje vazduha predstavlja mali ili nikakav rizik
51 -100 Umereno Kvalitet zraka je prihvatljiv; Međutim, neki zagađivači mogu imati umjereno zabrinjavajući utjecaj na zdravstveno stanje malog broja ljudi koji su veoma osjetljivi na zagađenje zraka.
101-150 Nezdravo za osetljive grupe Može prouzrokovati zdravstvene poteškoće kod članova osjetljivih grupa. Većina verovatno neće biti pogođena.
151-200 Nezdravi Svako može početi osjećati posljedice na zdravlje; članovi osjetljivih grupa mogu imati ozbiljnije zdravstvene posljedice
201-300 Veoma nezdravim Upozorenja o hitnim slučajevima. Čitava populacija će biti pogođena.
300+ Opasno Zdravstveno upozorenje: svako može osjetiti ozbiljnije posljedice na zdravlje

Da biste saznali više o kvaliteti zraka i zagađenju, provjerite temu wikipedije o kvaliteti zraka ili airnow vodiču za kvalitet zraka i vaše zdravlje .

Za vrlo korisne zdravstvene savjete pekinškog doktora Richarda Saint Cyr MD, posjetite blog .

Upotreba: Svi podaci o kvalitetu vazduha su neverifikovani u vrijeme objavljivanja, a zbog osiguranja kvaliteta ovi podaci mogu biti izmjenjeni i dopunjeni u bilo kom trenutku. Projekat Svjetskog indeksa kvaliteta vazduha obratio je veliku pažnju prilikom sastavljanja ovih informacija i ni pod kakvim okolnostima neće biti Svjetski indeks kvaliteta vazduha projektni tim ili njegovi agenti odgovorni za ugovor, štetu ili bilo kakav gubitak, povredu ili štetu nastalu direktno ili indirektno iz snabdevanja ovim podacima.


Language Settings:

Temperature unit: