Huizhou Air Quality Forecast

Other Cities

The detailed forecast analysis is also available for other cities:

Or just select any of those cities:

Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Qingdao, Xian, Tianjin, Saitama, Kyoto, Osaka, Seoul, Busan, Bogota, Delhi, Jakarta, Ulaanbaatar, Hanoi, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Santiago, Lima, Saopaulo, Quito, Singapore, Kuala-lumpur, Ipoh, Perai, Miri, New York, Seattle, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta

For other cities, countries or pollutants, please refer to world air quality forecast maps:

Forecast Map

City Forecast

Model Comparison

This section is experimental. It provides the comparison for the prediction for several individual forecast models

For a full list of all Air Quality Forecast models being analyser, check the forecast models page:

Forecast Analysis

How accurate are the forecasts?

Check the correlation graphs below for PM2.5, PM10 and Ozone for the past 30 days.

(Note that all values are based on the AQI, and that a maximum threshold of AQI 300 is used).

Past month PM2.5 AQI short-term forecast analysis.

In the above graph, the forecast is data is the forecast one day in advance (i.e. the forecast computed today for tomorrow).

Air Quality Forecasts Models

There are many forecast models, for different regions of the globe - below are few of them.

Just click on any of them to see the animated map for the given model.

For a full list of all Air Quality Forecast models being analyser, check the forecast models page:

Please note that all above analysis are done on the World Air Quality Index (WAQI) project own budget.

We did not receive any subsidies from any of the intuitions publishing Air Quality forecast models.

Future Improvements

We need your help

Help is needed for keeping the world-wide Air Quality forecast model inventory up-to-date.

  • Do you know any model not listed below but for which gridded data is available?
  • Do you know better accuracy analysis solutions which should be used here?
  • Have you done a similar research and you would like to publish it here?
  • If yes, drop us a message from the contribute page and we will contact you asap!

    Forecast Model Sources

    The above prediction is based on composite meta model, computed using several Air Quality Forecasting Systems (AQFS):

    The above map is based on the PM2.5 surface level modeling, and colors are following the US EPA AQI standard.


    This forecasting model, and all AQFS which it is based on, are research products intended to provide information related to Air Quality forecast. All reasonable measures have been taken to ensure its quality and accuracy. However:

    • We do not make warranty, express or implied, nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, completeness of the information.
    • We do not assume any legal liability or responsibility for any damage or loss that may directly or indirectly result from any information contained on this website or any actions taken as a result of the content of this website;
    • We may change, delete, add to, or otherwise amend information contained on this website without notice

    For more information about the underlying concepts of Air Quality forecasting (or Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling), check the article on a visual study of wind impact of PM2.5 concentration.

    O kvaliteti zraka i mjerenju onečišćenja:

    O razinama kvalitete zraka

    - Vrijednosti indeksa kvalitete zraka (AQI).Razine zdravstvene zabrinutosti
    0 - 50 Dobro Kvaliteta zraka smatra se zadovoljavajućom, a onečišćenje zraka predstavlja mali ili nikakav rizik
    51 -100 umjeren Kvaliteta zraka je prihvatljiva; ali ipak, neki zagađivači mogu prouzrokovati umjerenu zabrinutost za zdravlje vrlo malog broja ljudi koji su neobično osjetljivi na onečišćenje zraka.
    101-150 Nezdravo za osjetljive skupine Članovi osjetljivih skupina mogu imati posljedice na zdravlje. Vjerovatno neće imati utjecaja na širu popilaciju.
    151-200 nezdrav Svatko može početi osjećati zdravstvene posljedice; članovi osjetljivih skupina mogu imati ozbiljnije zdravstvene posljedice
    201-300 Vrlo nezdravo Zdravstvena upozorenja o izvanrednim okolnostima. Veća je vjerojatnost da će cijela populacija biti pogođena.
    300+ Opasan Upozorenje o zdravlju: svatko može imati ozbiljnije zdravstvene posljedice

    Kako biste saznali više o kvaliteti zraka i onečišćenju, pogledajte temu o kvaliteti zraka na wikipediji ili airnow vodič o kvaliteti zraka i vašem zdravlju .

    Za vrlo korisne zdravstvene savjete pekinškog doktora Richarda Saint Cyra, MD, pogledajte blog .

    Obavijest o korištenju: Svi podaci o kvaliteti zraka nisu dozvoljeni u trenutku objavljivanja, a zbog osiguranja kvalitete ti se podaci mogu u bilo kojem trenutku mijenjati bez prethodne najave. Projekt Indeks svjetske kakvoće zraka iskoristio je svu razumnu vještinu i pažnju pri sastavljanju sadržaja tih informacija i ni pod kojim okolnostima neće Svjetski indeks kvaliteta zraka projektni tim ili njegovi agenti odgovorni su za ugovor, prekršaj ili drugačije za bilo kakav gubitak, ozljedu ili štetu koja proizlazi izravno ili neizravno iz opskrbe tim podacima.


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