Compared to the Android application, you will not only enjoy the Air Quality Live Tile, but also some new cool features:
Air Quality:
- Past 24 hours visual graph available for PM2.5, PM10 and Ozone, as well as Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and Carbone Monoxyde
- Past 24 hours Weather information available for the temperature, humiday and wind ,as well as wind.
- Weather forecast for the day (provided by Yahoo Weather).
- You can, from the city selection menu, search for the closest station to your location (similar to nearest).
- You can also let the applicatoin continously check the neatest monitoring station data, by enabling the option 'Automatically select the nearest monitoring station' from the settings tab.
- So you can travel everywhere in the word, and the application will always find the nearest air quality monitoring data from the 5000 stations worldwide.